차세대 유전체 기술과 환경생물학 - 환경유전체학 시대를 맞이하여 Next-generation Sequencing for Environmental Biology-Full-fledged Environmental Genomics around the Corner

송주연, 김병권, 권순경, 곽민정, 김지현
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/240467
Korean Journal of Environmental Biology (환경생물)
Vol. 30 No. 2 (2012.06)
한국환경생물학회 (Korean Society Of Environmental Biology)

With the advent of the genomics era powered by DNA sequencing technologies, life science is being transformed significantly and biological research and development have been accelerated. Environmental biology concerns the relationships among living organisms and their natural environment, which constitute the global biogeochemical cycle. As sustainability of the ecosystems depends on biodiversity, examining the structure and dynamics of the biotic constituents and fully grasping their genetic and metabolic capabilities are pivotal. The high-speed highthroughput next-generation sequencing can be applied to barcoding organisms either thriving or endangered and to decoding the whole genome information. Furthermore, diversity and the full gene complement of a microbial community can be elucidated and monitored through metagenomic approaches. With regard to human welfare, microbiomes of various human habitats such as gut, skin, mouth, stomach, and vagina, have been and are being scrutinized. To keep pace with the rapid increase of the sequencing capacity, various bioinformatic algorithms and software tools that even utilize supercomputers and cloud computing are being developed for processing and storage of massive data sets. Environmental genomics will be the major force in understanding the structure and function of ecosystems in nature as well as preserving, remediating, and bioprospecting them.

  • 송주연(연세대학교 생명시스템대학 시스템생물학과) | Ju Yeon Song
  • 김병권(연세대학교 생명시스템대학 시스템생물학과) | Byung Kwon Kim
  • 권순경(과학기술연합대학원대학교 이학부 시스템생명공학전공) | Soon-Kyeong Kwon
  • 곽민정(과학기술연합대학원대학교 이학부 시스템생명공학전공) | Min-Jung Kwak
  • 김지현(연세대학교 생명시스템대학 시스템생물학과) | Jihyun F. Kim Corresponding author