독도의 미기록 식물 참빗살나무: 핵과 엽록체 DNA의 분자마커 이용 A New Record of Euonymus hamiltonianus Wall. in Dokdo: Using Molecular Markers of Nuclear and Plastid DNA

송임근, 박선주
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/265606
Korean Journal of Environmental Biology (환경생물)
Vol. 32 No. 1 (2014.03)
한국환경생물학회 (Korean Society Of Environmental Biology)

종의장거리산포는집단의확산과집단간개체의흐름에중요한역할을한다. 본연구는독도에서발견된식물을형태학적특징과핵및엽록체DNA의분자마커를이용하여종을식별한결과, 참빗살나무(노박덩굴과)로확인되었다. 얕은토양층과험준한지형등입지적으로열악한대양섬인독도에서목본의분포는의미있는결과이며, 향후외부유입종의지속적인모니터링이요구된다.

The present scientific scenario shows that, the long-distance dispersal of any speciesplays a major role in population as well as the flow of individual between populations. However,newly recorded plant at Dokdo was confirmed by using morphological and molecular markers ofnrDNA and cpDNA. This scientific study has identified the plant species was as a EuonymushamiltonianusWall.(Celastraceae). And after careful studies, the laboratory results shows thatthe distribution of tree species at Dokdo as an Oceanic Island is a meaningful thing because of theinflow of plant in adverse condition of environment such as a shallow soil layers and steep terrain.So it is necessary to continuous monitor for the inflow of non-indigenous plant into Dokdo.

  • 송임근(영남대학교 생명과학과) | Im-geun Song
  • 박선주(영남대학교 생명과학과) | Seon-joo Park Corresponding author