갈조류 톳의 포복지 재활용을 위한 친환경적 해적생물 구제: pH와 염분 Environmentally Friendly Phytal Animal Removal for Re-use of Holdfasts of Sargassum fusiforme (Harvey) Setchell: pH and Salinity

황은경, 유호창, 김세미, 유현일, 백재민, 박찬선
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/284881
Korean Journal of Environmental Biology (환경생물)
Vol. 32 No. 4 (2014.12)
한국환경생물학회 (Korean Society Of Environmental Biology)

The brown seaweed Sargassum fusiforme is an edible and highly valued in Korea. During the summer season, phytal organisms graze heavily on young algal blades and holdfastsof the species and substantially reduce harvestable biomass. Here, in this study, we investigated the effects of pH (range: 2~13) and salinity (range: 0~44 psu) on the removal of two major phytal animals, Caprella scaura and Gammaropsis utinomi, associated with S. fusiforme. We also examined the optimum quantum yield (Fv/Fm) of algae in the same experimental conditions to quantify the tolerance of algae to acid and salinity treatments. It was observed that the phytal animals showed more than 80% mortality at pH lower that pH 4 and the extreams of salinity (0~10 psu and 44 psu) after a 5 min of immersion. However, the quantum yield of S. fusiforme was not significantly different from controls within the pH 3~11 range, and the 0~44 psu salinity range. Precisely, if the pH and salinity conditions outside these ranges were used in comercial Sargassum culture, the removal of the animal species would be higher, but with reduced quantum yield of algae. Taken together, our study results indicated that the pH and salinity treatments could allow multiple harvests from the same holdfast of S. fusiforme.

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 결 과
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 사 사
  • 황은경(국립수산과학원 해조류바이오연구센터) | Eun Kyoung Hwang
  • 유호창(국립수산과학원 해조류바이오연구센터) | Ho Chang Yoo
  • 김세미(국립수산과학원 해조류바이오연구센터) | Se Mi Kim
  • 유현일(국립수산과학원 해조류바이오연구센터) | Hyun Il Yoo
  • 백재민(국립수산과학원 해조류바이오연구센터) | Jae Min Baek
  • 박찬선(국립목포대학교 해양수산자원학과) | Chan Sun Park Corresponding author