논토양에서 바이오차르 투입 및 완효성비료 시용에 따른 메탄발생량과 작물생산량 변화 Changes in Crop Yield and CH4 Emission from Rice Paddy Soils Applied with Biochar and Slow-release Fertilizer

김대균, 조광래, 원태진, 박인태, 유가영
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/284885
Korean Journal of Environmental Biology (환경생물)
Vol. 32 No. 4 (2014.12)
한국환경생물학회 (Korean Society Of Environmental Biology)

Emission reduction of CH4 (methane gas) from rice paddy soil is a very important measure for climate change mitigation in agricultural sector. In this study, we investigated the changes in crop yield and CH4 emissions in response to application of biochar and fertilizers. The experimental site is located in Hwasung, Kyunggido and experimental design is the split-plot method with three replicates. Treatments included rice straw (RS) and biochar (BC) amendments nested with the conventional NPK fertilizer (NPK) and slow release fertilizer (SRF). Control was also prepared with the soil with the conventional NPK fertilization with no amendment. Measurement of CH4 emission was conducted during the growing season of 2014 using a dynamic chamber method. The results showed that application of rice straw increased daily CH4 emission rate by 15%, while application of biochar reduced daily CH4 emission rate by 38%. When we combined biochar application with slow release fertilizer, CH4 emission was reduced by 45%. Further, the crop yield was also increased in all treatments compared with the control except for the treatment of rice straw application with slow release fertilizer. Overall results imply that biochar amendment to agricultural soil can be an effective strategy to decrease annual CH4 emission with no reduction in crop yield.

서 론
 재료 및 방법
  1. 시험장소 및 시험방법
  2. 메탄채취 및 분석방법
  3. 메탄 배출량 계산
  4. 토양과 투입물질 분석 및 기타 조사방법
 결과 및 토의
  1. 시험재료의 이화학적 특성 및 시험기간의 기후
  2. 메탄 일일 배출량
  3. 생육 및 수량
 사 사
  • 김대균(경기도농업기술원 작물연구과) | Daegyun Kim
  • 조광래(경기도농업기술원 작물연구과) | Kwangrae Cho
  • 원태진(경기도농업기술원 작물연구과) | Taejin Won
  • 박인태(경기도농업기술원 작물연구과) | In-tae Bak
  • 유가영(경희대학교 공과대학 환경학 및 환경공학과) | Gayoung Yoo Corresponding author