20세기 대학연구의 상업화와 지적재산권 제도의 변화 The Commercialization of Academic Research in the Context of Shifting Intellectual Property Regimes in the Twentieth Century

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/284897
Korean Journal of Environmental Biology (환경생물)
Vol. 32 No. 4 (2014.12)
한국환경생물학회 (Korean Society Of Environmental Biology)

This article chronicles key shifts in intellectual property regimes in the twentieth century as they related to the commercialization of academic research. The institutionalization and growth of scientific research in the research university in the twentieth century and the increasing awareness of its potential to promote technology innovation and economic growth posited an important question of the ownership of knowledge created in the academic setting, where knowledge was traditionally regarded as a common property among academic researchers. This paper shows the ownership of academic knowledge emerged as a key public policy and legal issue in the latter half of the twentieth century for academic researchers and government officials who pursue the commercialization of academic knowledge for private gain and public benefit. The resulting institutionalization of patent management in the research university and shifts in federal patent policy in turn opened a new legal avenue for the establishment of the private ownership of academic knowledge and the expansion of intellectual property rights in academia, especially in the area of biological and biomedical research. Reflecting upon historical shifts in intellectual property regimes in the twentieth century, this paper suggests recent controversies regarding ownership of biological knowledge and profit sharing in developing counties are linked to critical issues pertinent to the welfare of indigenous population, utilization of new natural resources, and sustainable development for humanity.

서 론
 본 론
  1. 20세기 초반 대학연구와 지적재산권
  2. 2차 대전 이후 연구대학의 성장과 대학에서의지적재산권
  3. 20세기 미국대학의 지적재산권 관리의 등장
  4. 미국 연방정부의 특허제도개혁: 생명과학과의학 분야에서
  5. 대학에서의 생명공학의 등장과 특허
 결 론
 사 사
  • 이두갑(서울대학교 서양사학과) | Doogab Yi Corresponding author