생물학 연구 방법론 변화에 따른 생물다양성 개념의 전환:인간 유전다양성 연구 사례 Changing Methodologies and Reshaping Concepts in Biodiversity Science: A Historical Review of Research on Human Genetic Diversity

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/284898
Korean Journal of Environmental Biology (환경생물)
Vol. 32 No. 4 (2014.12)
한국환경생물학회 (Korean Society Of Environmental Biology)

In order to shed some light on the historical change of biodiversity concepts, this paper reviews the science and technology studies (STS) literature on the history of biological research on human genetic diversity. By doing that, I show how the notion of genetic diversity in the human population - from “race” to “population” to “biogeographical ancestry” - has changed with methodologies and techniques over the last hundred years. In the meantime, I point out contexts and situations, despite conceptual and methodological developments, that show that current human genetic diversity research is slipping into the past mistakes of scientific racism. This article offers biodiversity researchers an opportunity to consider their own scientific practices on classifying species more reflectively.

서 론
 본 론
  1. 2차 대전 이후: 종에 대한 통계적 집단 개념의등장과 분자유전학적 접근
  2. 게놈 그 이후: 생물지리적 조상과 유전체학의 부상
  3. 현대 인간 유전다양성 연구의 미끄러짐들
 결 론
 적 요
  • 현재환(서울대학교 과학사 및 과학철학 협동과정) | Jaehwan Hyun Corresponding author