양식 메기의 라이소자임 활성 및 항 균력에 미치는 오배자 추출물의 투여 효과 Effect of Dietary Supplementation with Galla rhois Extract on Lysozyme and Antibacterial Activity of the Cutured Catfish (Silurus asotus)

김진도, 이남실, 최혜승, 김경덕, 조혜인
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/312786
Korean Journal of Environmental Biology (환경생물)
Vol. 33 No. 4 (2015.12)
한국환경생물학회 (Korean Society Of Environmental Biology)

Abstract - We are aim to evaluate lysozyme and antibacterial activity of cultured catfish, Silurus asotus, that fed supplementally with Galla rhois extracts for eight weeks. Lysozyme activity in the spleen and serum of administrated group was higher than not administrated group, but in mucus of the lysozyme activity was no regular than other organ. The lysozyme activity of the spleen, kidney, serum of administrated fishes were increased after 2 weeks and that was highest after 8 weeks. Ht and GLU in serum of administrated fishes were gradually increased but GOT was decreased after 8 weeks. There is no significant differences in HB (Hemoglobin) and TP (Total Protein) each groups. Furthermore, there is no pathohistological changes of kidney and liver of tested fishes. The cumulative survival rates of administrated group after intraperitoneal injection of Aeromonas veronii with 6.5×106 cfu mL-1 was presented 33% in 9 days. As the Results, Galla rhois extracts has any beneficial effects for immunity elevation and antibacterial activity in catfish, Silurus asotus.

서 론
재료 및 방 법
결 과
고 찰
사 사
  • 김진도(국립수산과학원 병리연구과) | Jin-Do Kim
  • 이남실(국립수산과학원 병리연구과) | Nam-Sil Lee
  • 최혜승(내수면양식연구센터) | Hye-Sung Choi
  • 김경덕(사료연구센터) | Kyoung-Duck Kim
  • 조혜인(경상북도 토속어류산업화센터) | Hyae-in Jo Corresponding author