수온 및 염분 스트레스에 따 른 참담치, Mytilus coruscus에서 Hsp70 및 GST 유전자 발현에 대한 연구 The Expression of Hsp70 and GST Genes in Mytilus coruscus Exposed to Water Temperature and Salinity

김철원, 강한승
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/312789
Korean Journal of Environmental Biology (환경생물)
Vol. 33 No. 4 (2015.12)
한국환경생물학회 (Korean Society Of Environmental Biology)

The heat shock proteins (Hsps), one of the most highly conserved groups of proteins, play crucial roles in protecting cells against environmental stressors, such as temperature, salinity, heavy metals and pathogenic bacteria. The glutathione S-transferases (GST) have important role in detoxification of oxidative damage, environmental chemicals and environmental stress. The purpose of this study is to investigate the gene expression of Hsp70 and GST on change of temperature and salinity in Mytilus coruscus. The M. coruscus was cultured in incubator of separate temperature and salinity (8, 20, 30℃×20‰, 25‰, 30‰) for 28 days. Ten individuals in each group were selected after each 14 and 28 days exposure. Results that the expression of Hsp70 mRNA was no significant changed in M. coruscus exposed to temperature (8℃, 20℃, 30℃) and salinity (20‰, 25‰, 30‰) for 14 days. Whereas the expression of Hsp70 mRNA was increased in exposure to temperature 30℃ and salinity (20‰, 25‰, 30‰) for 28 days. The expression of GST mRNA was increased in exposure to temperature 30℃, salinity (25‰, 30‰) for 14 days and temperature (8℃, 20℃, 30℃), salinity (20‰, 25‰, 30‰) for 28 days. These results suggest that Hsp70 and GST were played roles in biomarker gene on the thermal and salinity stress.

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  • 김철원(한국농수산대학교) | Chul Won Kim
  • 강한승(엠에스바이오랩) | Han Seung Kang Corresponding author