다양한 특성의 은나노물질이 수생생물에 미치는 독성영향평가 Ecotoxicity Assessment of Silver Nanomaterials with Different Physicochemical Characteristics in Diverse Aquatic Organisms

홍남희, 정윤주, 박준우
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/317318
Korean Journal of Environmental Biology (환경생물)
Vol. 34 No. 3 (2016.09)
한국환경생물학회 (Korean Society Of Environmental Biology)

Silver nanomaterials have been intensively applied in consumer products of diverse industrial sectors because of their strong biocidal properties and reported to be hazardous to aquatic organisms once released in the environment. Nanomaterials including sliver, are known to be different in toxicity according to their physicochemical characteristics such as size, shape, length etc. However studies comparing toxicity among silver nanomaterials with different physicochemical characteristics are very limited. Here, toxicities of silver nanomaterials with different size (50, 100, 150 nm), length (10, 20 μm), shape (wire, sphere), and coating material (polyvinylpyrrolidone, citrate) using OECD test guidelines were evaluated in aquatic species (zebrafish, daphnia, algae) and compared. On a size property, the smaller of silver nanomaterials, the more toxic to tested organisms. Sphered type of silver nanomaterials was less toxic to organisms than wired type, and shorter nanowires were less toxic than longer ones. Meanwhile the toxic effects of materials coated on silver nanomaterials were slightly different in each tested species, but not statistically significant. To the best of our knowledge, it is first investigation to evaluate and compare ecotoxicity of silver nanomaterials having different physicochemical characteristics using same test species and test guidelines. This study can provide valuable information for human and environmental risk assessment of silver nanomaterials and guide material manufacturers to synthesize silver nanomaterials more safely to human and environment.

서 론
 재료 및 방 법
  1. 시험생물
  2. 시험물질 및 분산방법
  3. 은나노물질의 응집성 평가
  4. 시험방법
  5. 통계처리
 결 과
  1. AgNPs의 크기에 따른 영향
  2. AgNWs의 길이에 따른 영향
  3. AgNPs와 AgNWs의 비교
  4. AgNPs의 코팅에 따른 영향
  5. 수생생물의 종별 비교
 고 찰
 적 요
  • 홍남희(안전성평가연구소 경남환경독성본부) | Nam-Hui Hong
  • 정윤주(안전성평가연구소 경남환경독성본부) | Youn-Joo Jung
  • 박준우(안전성평가연구소 경남환경독성본부, 과학기술연합대학원대학교 인체 및 환 경독성학 전공) | June-Woo Park Corresponding author