안동 · 임하호 주요 유입지천의 저서성 대형무척추동물 군집구조 및 군집안정성 분석 Analysis of benthic macroinvertebrate community structure and stability in major inflow streams of Lake Andong and Lake Imha

유혁, 이미진, 서을원, 이종은
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/321607
Korean Journal of Environmental Biology (환경생물)
Vol. 34 No. 4 (2016.12)
한국환경생물학회 (Korean Society Of Environmental Biology)

This study was conducted to provide important basic information about effective management of the marine environment at major inflow streams in Lake Andong and Lake Imha. The investigation was conducted 8 times from May, 2015 (AD1, AD2, IH1, IH2) to September, 2016 (AD3, AD4, IH3, IH4), and 8 surveyed sites were selected at Lake Andong (4 sites) and Lake Imha (4 sites). The inquiry identified 114 species, 59,913.7 inds. m-2 in Lake Andong and 112 species, 39,038.4 inds. m-2 in Lake Imha. The results indicate that the number of species and individuals in Lake Andong is more than that in Lake Imha, because Lake Andong has a variety of riparian vegetation and a richness of organic materials. Community analysis at Lake Imha revealed a dominant index of 0.57 (±0.18), a diversity index of 2.87 (±0.31), an evenness index of 0.73 (±0.04), and a richness index of 4.17 (±0.71). The results of functional feeding group analysis showed that a high proportion of species and individuals are gathering collectors. The results of functional habitat group analysis showed that a high proportion of species and individuals are clingers. The result of a physico-chemical water assay and dissolved oxygen and electric conductivity tests revealed that these measures increased when the water temperature decreased. The result of Pearson’s correlation analysis by biological factors and physico-chemical factors showed that species and electric conductivity are highly correlated with one another. Major inflow streams of Lake Andong and Lake Imha were exposed to various point pollution sources and non-point pollution sources. This implies a necessity for continuous monitoring of the aquatic ecosystems in order to effect systematic water quality management of Lake Andong and Lake Imha.

  • 유혁(안동대학교 생명과학과) | Hyuk You
  • 이미진(안동대학교 생명과학과) | Mi Jin Lee
  • 서을원(안동대학교 생명과학과) | Eul Won Seo
  • 이종은(안동대학교 생명과학과, 안동대학교 환경연구소) | Jong Eun Lee Corresponding autho