환경유래의 세슘 저항성 균주 선별 및 세 슘 흡착제거 연구 Screening and Identification of a Cesium-tolerant Strain of Bacteria for Cesium Biosorption

김지용, 장성찬, 송영호, 이창수, 허윤석, 노창현
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/321609
Korean Journal of Environmental Biology (환경생물)
Vol. 34 No. 4 (2016.12)
한국환경생물학회 (Korean Society Of Environmental Biology)

One of the issues currently facing nuclear power plants is how to store spent nuclear waste materials which are contaminated with radionuclides such as 134Cs, 135Cs, and 137Cs. Bioremediation processes may offer a potent method of cleaning up radioactive cesium. However, there have only been limited reports on Cs+ tolerant bacteria. In this study, we report the isolation and identification of Cs+ tolerant bacteria in environmental soil and sediment. The resistant Cs+ isolates were screened from enrichment cultures in R2A medium supplemented with 100 mM CsCl for 72 h, followed by microbial community analysis based on sequencing analysis from 16S rRNA gene clone libraries (NCBI’s BlastN). The dominant Bacillus anthracis Roh-1 and B. cereus Roh-2 were successfully isolated from the cesium enrichment culture. Importantly, B. cereus Roh- 2 is resistant to 30% more Cs+ than is B. anthracis Roh-1 when treated with 50 mM CsCl. Growth experiments clearly demonstrated that the isolate had a higher tolerance to Cs+. In addition, we investigated the adsorption of 0.2 mg L-1 Cs+ using B. anthracis Roh-1. The maximum Cs+ biosorption capacity of B. anthracis Roh-1 was 2.01 mg g-1 at pH 10. Thus, we show that Cs+ tolerant bacterial isolates could be used for bioremediation of contaminated environments.

  • 김지용(한국원자력연구원 첨단방사선연구소 생명공학연구부,충남대학교 공과대학 화학공학과) | Gi Yong Kim
  • 장성찬(한국원자력연구원 첨단방사선연구소 생명공학연구부, 인하대학교 생명공학과) | Sung-Chan Jang
  • 송영호(충남대학교 생명시스템과학대학 생물과학과) | Young Ho Song
  • 이창수(충남대학교 공과대학 화 학공학과) | Chang-Soo Lee
  • 허윤석(인하대학교 생명공학과) | Yun Suk Huh Corresponding author
  • 노창현(한국원자력연구원 첨단방사선연구소,과학기술연합대학원대학교 방사선동위원소 응용 및 생명공학과) | Changhyun Roh