배 재배지 단위의 탄소 배출량 및 흡 수량 평가 연구 Study on Evaluation of Carbon Emission and Sequestration in Pear Orchard

서상욱, 최은정, 정현철, 이종식, 김건엽, 소규호, 이재석
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/321614
Korean Journal of Environmental Biology (환경생물)
Vol. 34 No. 4 (2016.12)
한국환경생물학회 (Korean Society Of Environmental Biology)

Objective of this study was to evaluate the carbon budget on 40 years old pear orchard at Naju. For carbon budget assessment, we measured the soil respiration, net ecosystem productivity of herbs, pear biomass and net ecosystem exchange. In 2015, pear orchard released about 25.6 ton CO2 ha-1 by soil respiration. And 27.9 ton CO2 ha-1 was sequestrated by biomass growth. Also about 12.6 ton CO2 ha-1 was stored at pruning branches and about 5.2 ton CO2 ha-1 for photosynthesis of herbs. As a result, 25.6 ton of CO2 per ha is annually released to atmosphere. At the same time about 45.7 ton of CO2 was sequestrated from atmosphere. When it sum up the amount of CO2 release and sequestration, approximately 20.1 ton CO2 ha-1 was sequestrated by pear orchard in 2015, and it showed no significant differences with net ecosystem exchanges (17.8 ton CO2 ha-1 yr-1) by eddy covariance method with the same period. Continuous research using various techniques will help the understanding of CO2 dynamics in agroecosystem and it can be able to present a new methodology for assessment of carbon budget in woody crop field. Futhermore, it is expected that the this study can be used as the basic data to be recognized as a carbon sink.

  • 서상욱(국립농업과학원 기후변화생태과) | Sanguk Suh Corresponding author
  • 최은정(국립농업과학원 기후변화생태과) | Eunjung Choi
  • 정현철(국립농업과학원 기후변화생태과) | Hyuncheol Jeong
  • 이종식(국립농업과학원 기후변화생태과) | Jongsik Lee
  • 김건엽(국립농업과학원 기후변화생태과) | Gunyeob Kim
  • 소규호(국립농업과학원 기후변화생태과) | Kyuho Sho
  • 이재석(건국대학교 생명과학과) | Jaeseok Lee