전국 논 토양 이산화탄소 배출량 추정을 위한 DNDC 모형의 국내 적용성 평가 Evaluating the Applicability of the DNDC Model for Estimation of CO2 Emissions from the Paddy Field in Korea

황원재, 김용성, 민현기, 김정규, 조기종, 현승훈
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/327566
Korean Journal of Environmental Biology (환경생물)
Vol. 35 No. 1 (2017.03)
한국환경생물학회 (Korean Society Of Environmental Biology)

Greenhouse gas emission from agricultural land is recognized as an important factor influencing climatic change. In this study, the national CO2 emission was estimated for paddy soils, using soil GHG emission model (DNDC) with 1 km2 scale. To evaluate the applicability of the model in Korea, verification was carried out based on field measurement data using a closed chamber. The total national CO2 emission in 2015 was estimated at 5,314 kt CO2-eq, with the emission per unit area ranging from 2.2~10.0 t CO2-eq ha-1. Geographically, the emission of Jeju province was particularly high, and the emission from the southern region was generally high. The result of the model verification analysis with the field data collected in this study (n=16) indicates that the relation between the field measurement and the model prediction was statistically similar (RMSE=22.2, ME=0.28, and r2=0.53). More field measurements under various climate conditions, and subsequent model verification with extended data sets, are further required.

  • 황원재 | Wonjae Hwang
  • 김용성 | Yong-Seong Kim
  • 민현기 | Hyungi Min
  • 김정규 | Jeong-Gyu Kim
  • 조기종 | Kijong Cho
  • 현승훈 | Seunghun Hyun Corresponding author