미꾸라지 (Misgurnus mizolepis)에서 분리된 수생균 (Saprolegnia parasitica)에 대한 천연유황수의 항균 활성 및 처리에 대한 어류 안전성 Fish Safety and Antimicrobial Activity of Natural Sulfur Solution on Aquatic Microorganisms (Saprolegnia parasitica) Isolated from Misgurnus mizolepis

이승원, 이승협, 이상종, 김미희, 이혜현, 추샛별, 김경희, 이희정
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/328475
Korean Journal of Environmental Biology (환경생물)
Vol. 35 No. 2 (2017.06)
한국환경생물학회 (Korean Society Of Environmental Biology)

Basic dyes such as malachite green and methylene blue have been used as disinfectants to control water fungal infections since the 1930s. However, after succeeding reports of carcinogenicity and bioaccumulation of the dye, their use was forbidden in lieu of public health. This study undertook to evaluate the therapeutic effect of sulfur solution processed by effective microorganisms (EM-PSS) against Saprolegnia parasitica infection, and its safety in fish. In vitro antifungal evaluation of EM-PSS inhibited the growth of S. parasitica mycelia at concentrations of 50 ppm or higher. The acute toxicity test of EM-PSS to the mud fish (Misgurnus mizolepis) measured a no effect concentration (NOEC) at 100 ppm, the lowest effect concentration (LOEC) at 125 ppm, and the half-lethal concentration (LC50) at 125 ppm in juvenile and 250 ppm in the immature stage. In addition, the ecotoxicity test of EM-PSS using Daphnia magna inhibited swimming of D. magna at concentrations of 100 ppm or less. Lastly, the EM-PSS prevented infection of S. parasitica to mud fish, at concentrations of 50 ppm. Furthermore, at 100 ppm concentration, the EM-PSS showed no acute toxicity on mud fish, nor any eco-toxic effects on D. magnano. Therefore, we conclude that carcinogenic disinfectants such as malachite green and methylene blue could be replaced by EM-PSS to remove S. parasitica in mud fish farming, and might be a potential eco-friendly disinfectant in aquaculture.

  • 이승원(농업회사법인 주 식회사 엘바이오텍 기업부설연구소) | Seung-Won Yi (Research Institute of Agriculture Corporation LbioTech, 849 Chuseong 1ro, Damyang-gun, Jeollanam-do 57316, Korea)
  • 이승협(농업회사법인 주 식회사 엘바이오텍 기업부설연구소) | Seung-Hyeop Lee (Research Institute of Agriculture Corporation LbioTech, 849 Chuseong 1ro, Damyang-gun, Jeollanam-do 57316, Korea)
  • 이상종(농업회사법인 주 식회사 엘바이오텍 기업부설연구소) | Sang-Jong Lee (Research Institute of Agriculture Corporation LbioTech, 849 Chuseong 1ro, Damyang-gun, Jeollanam-do 57316, Korea)
  • 김미희(농업회사법인 주 식회사 엘바이오텍 기업부설연구소) | Mi-Hee Kim (Research Institute of Agriculture Corporation LbioTech, 849 Chuseong 1ro, Damyang-gun, Jeollanam-do 57316, Korea)
  • 이혜현(농업회사법인 주 식회사 엘바이오텍 기업부설연구소) | Hye-Hyun Lee (Research Institute of Agriculture Corporation LbioTech, 849 Chuseong 1ro, Damyang-gun, Jeollanam-do 57316, Korea)
  • 추샛별(농업회사법인 주 식회사 엘바이오텍 기업부설연구소) | Saet-Byul Chu (Research Institute of Agriculture Corporation LbioTech, 849 Chuseong 1ro, Damyang-gun, Jeollanam-do 57316, Korea)
  • 김경희(농업회사법인 주 식회사 엘바이오텍 기업부설연구소) | Kyung-Hee Kim (Research Institute of Agriculture Corporation LbioTech, 849 Chuseong 1ro, Damyang-gun, Jeollanam-do 57316, Korea)
  • 이희정(농업회사법인 주 식회사 엘바이오텍 기업부설연구소) | Hee Jung Lee (Research Institute of Agriculture Corporation LbioTech, 849 Chuseong 1ro, Damyang-gun, Jeollanam-do 57316, Korea) Corresponding author