고래불 해안사구에서 염생식물의 공간분포 Spatial Distribution of Halophytes in the Goraebul Coastal Sand Dune, Korea

정민형, 김석철, 홍보람, 이규송
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/330830
Korean Journal of Environmental Biology (환경생물)
Vol. 35 No. 3 (2017.09)
한국환경생물학회 (Korean Society Of Environmental Biology)

Factors affecting spatial distribution of halophytes were analyzed in June 2012 at the Goraebul coastal dunes. In the Goraebul sand dune, distribution of halophytes was divided into three groups. The first group belonging to Elymus mollis, Carex kobomugi, Calystegia soldanella, Ixeris repens and Glehnia littoralis was distributed in the ridge of primary sand dune and dune slack. The second group belonging to Lathyrus japonicus and Zoysia macrostachya was distributed in the dune slack. The third group belonging to Pinus thunbergii, Vitex rotundifolia and Linaria japonicus was distributed in the pine forest of the secondary sand dune. E. mollis, C. kobomugi, C. soldanella, I. repens and G. littoralis was distributed in relatively unstable habitat of sand dunes due to the large amount of sand movement. V. rotundifolia was distributed in a relatively stable habitat. Factors that have the greatest influence on distribution of halophytes in the Goraebul sand dunes are distance from the seashore, topography, and the pine forest. The Goraebul sand dune is a relatively well-preserved area with minimal human intervention. Therefore, different distribution of physico-chemical factors by natural processes is essential to spatial distribution of halophytes than other sand dunes in Korea. Significant natural processes in the Goraebul sand dunes were advance and retreat of coastlines from waves, erosion and sedimentation of sand due to wind and waves, and dispersal of seawater.

  • 정민형(강릉원주대학교 자연과학대학 생 물학과) | Min-Hyeong Jeong
  • 김석철(강릉원주대학교 자연과학대학 생 물학과) | Seok Cheol Kim
  • 홍보람(강릉원주대학교 자연과학대학 생 물학과) | Bo Ram Hong
  • 이규송(강릉원주대학교 자연과학대학 생 물학과) | Kyu Song Lee Corresponding author