New Records of Intertidal Marine Algae from Korea

So Young Jeong, Danilo E. Bustamante, Jin Gyo Lee, Boo Yeon Won, Seung Hee Kim, Tae Oh Cho
  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/330833
Korean Journal of Environmental Biology (환경생물)
Vol. 35 No. 3 (2017.09)
한국환경생물학회 (Korean Society Of Environmental Biology)

Bryopsis africana and Pyropia kinositae are reported for the first time on the list of Korean marine algal flora based on integrated morphological-molecular study. Bryopsis africana from Korea is recognized with distinct main axes, robust thalli, pinnately and radially branched above, and basally denuded. Phylogenetic analyses revealed that B. africana was placed within a clade of Bryopsis. Bryopsis africana differs from B. corymbosa by 2.7% gene sequence divergence. Pyropia kinositae is characterized by oblong to lanceolate thalli, entire margin, purplish red in color, twice as long as broad cells in transversal section view. Phylogenetic analyses revealed that P. kinositae was placed within a clade of Pyropia. Pyropia kinositae differs from P. tenera by 1.5-1.8%, P. ishigecola by 1.2-1.3%, and P. yezoensis by 1.5-1.8% gene sequence divergence respectively.

  • So Young Jeong(Department of Life Science, Chosun University)
  • Danilo E. Bustamante(Department of Life Science, Chosun University, Escuela Profesional de Ingieneria Ambiental, Universidad Nacional Toribio Rodriguez de Mendoza (UNTRM))
  • Jin Gyo Lee(Department of Life Science, Chosun University)
  • Boo Yeon Won(Department of Life Science, Chosun University)
  • Seung Hee Kim(Department of Dental Hygiene, Gwangju Health University)
  • Tae Oh Cho(Department of Life Science, Chosun University) Corresponding author