New Records of Five Unarmored Genera of the Family Gymnodiniaceae (Dinophyceae) in Korean Waters

Joon-Baek Lee, Gyu-Beom Kim
  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/330842
Korean Journal of Environmental Biology (환경생물)
Vol. 35 No. 3 (2017.09)
한국환경생물학회 (Korean Society Of Environmental Biology)

An investigation focusing on the unrecorded and taxonomically undescribed indigenous has been done since 2006. Samples were collected from various sites in the coastal and offshore waters of Korea as well as around Jeju Island. Since 2008, 16 unrecorded species belonging to the family Gymnodiniaceae have been found. The species were as follows: Amphidinium thermaeum (2015), Cochlodinium convolutum (2015), C. strangulatum (2015), Gymnodinium abbreviatum (valid name: G. gracile), G. arenicola (2015), G. gracile (2015), G. dorsalisulcum (2015), G. microreticulatum (2014), G. micrum (2016) (valid name: Karlodinium micrum), G. pyrenoidosum (2016), G. simplex (2015), G. veneficum (2016) (valid name: Karlodinium veneficum), Gyrodinium aureum (2015), G. fusiforme (2015), G. dominans (2014), and Nusuttodinium latum (2016) (valid name: Amphidinium latum). (The numbers in parentheses refer to the year that the species was found). These species were newly recorded in Korean waters in this study.

  • Joon-Baek Lee(Department of Earth and Marine Sciences, College of Ocean Sciences, Jeju National University) Corresponding author
  • Gyu-Beom Kim(Department of Earth and Marine Sciences, College of Ocean Sciences, Jeju National University)