해양 교란생물로 인한 굴과 우렁쉥이 양식장의 피해 현황 조사 Monitoring and Impact of Marine Ecological Disturbance Causing Organisms on an Oyster and Sea Squirt Farm

박주언, 이택준, 김동현, 김필재, 김동건, 신숙
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/339308
Korean Journal of Environmental Biology (환경생물)
Vol. 35 No. 4 (2017.12)
한국환경생물학회 (Korean Society Of Environmental Biology)

The Korean aquaculture industry was generally began in the 1970s and has gradually increased. Now, the number of households is about 7,068 and the scale of an aquaculture farm is about 248,014 ha; the value of all production in the industry is estimated to be about 1602.2 billion won. The aquaculture industry is very valuable and important for future food resources. However, the aquaculture industry was damaged by several marine ecological disturbance causing organisms. The Ascdiella aspersa colonized on the shell of scallop and then scallops were detached from rope. The patterns of damage in the aquacultures were observed in Tongyeong (oyster), Geojedo (oyster), and Gangneung (sea squirt) in June, 2017, as well as in Tongyeong (oyster) in November, 2017 by SCUBA divers. The species Halichondria bowerbanki, Bugula neritina, Mytilus galloprovincialis, Balanus amphitrite, Ascidiella aspersa, Ciona intestinalis, Didemnum sp, Styela plicata in Tongyeong, M. galloprovincialis, A. aspersa, C. intestinalis, D. vexillum, S. plicata in Geojedo, and M. galloprovincialis in Gangneung were all usually found in their farms. The marine ecological disturbance causing organisms gave rise to a reduced number of aquaculture products.

  • 박주언(삼육대학교 생명과학과, Department of Life Science, Sahmyook university) | Juun Park
  • 이택준(고려대학교 생명과학과, College of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, Korea university) | Taekjun Lee
  • 김동현(삼육대학교 생명과학과, Department of Life Science, Sahmyook university) | Donghyun Kim
  • 김필재(삼육대학교 생명과학과, Department of Life Science, Sahmyook university) | Philjae Kim
  • 김동건(삼육대학교 스미스교양대학, Smith Liberal Arts College, Sahmyook University) | Dong Gun Kim
  • 신숙(삼육대학교 생명과학과, Department of Life Science, Sahmyook university) | Sook Shin Corresponding author