바이오갈대와 바이오여재를 적용한 인공습지의 효율성 및 독 성평가 Toxicity Assessment and Evaluation of the Applicability of a Constructed Wetland of Bio-reeds and Bio-ceramics

박다경, 장순웅, 최한나
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/339311
Korean Journal of Environmental Biology (환경생물)
Vol. 35 No. 4 (2017.12)
한국환경생물학회 (Korean Society Of Environmental Biology)

Recently, a low-impact development (LID) technic such as a wetland has been proposed as a Nature-friendly process for reducing pollutants caused by livestock wastewater. Therefore, the Daphnia magna toxicity was analyzed for livestock wastewater samples, to determine if a wetland system would also be effective in reducing this ecotoxicity. In the present study, acute D. magna toxicity was not significantly dependent on the presence and type of reed, nor type of media. However, when treated with construction wetlands, ecotoxicities decreased as well as TN, TP and COD concentrations. Therefore, it is considered that a construction wetland system with bio reeds and bio-media as well as general reeds would be effective to reduce the ecotoxicity of livestock wastewater. To apply a wetland system as the subsequent treatment process to a livestock waste water treatment facility, it is necessary to perform an integrated evaluation such as treatment efficiency and the ecotoxicity test for various characteristics of livestock wastewater.

서 론
 재료 및 방 법
  1. 시료 채취
  2. 공정 개요
  3. 이화학적 분석
  4. 생태독성시험
  5. 통계처리
 결 과
  1. 식생 갈대 종류에 따른 처리효율 및 생태독성영향
  2. 여재 종류에 따른 처리 효율 및 생태독성영향
 고 찰
 적 요
  • 박다경(경기대학교 환경에너지공학과, Department of Environmental Energy Engineering, Kyonggi University) | Da Kyung Park
  • 장순웅(경기대학교 환경에너지공학과, Department of Environmental Energy Engineering, Kyonggi University) | Soon-Woong Chang
  • 최한나((주)태영건설, TaeYoung E&C) | Hanna Choi