Evaluation of Cellulolytic Enzyme Production by Indigenous Fungi in Korea

Hanbyul Lee, Young Min Lee, Young Mok Heo, Jaejung Lee, Jae-Jin Kim
  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/339312
Korean Journal of Environmental Biology (환경생물)
Vol. 35 No. 4 (2017.12)
한국환경생물학회 (Korean Society Of Environmental Biology)

The aim of this study was to select various fungal strains indigenous to Korea that have the potential to produce cellulases, including filter paper activity (FPase), endo-β-1,4-glucanase (EG), and β-glucosidase (BGL). Among the 25 species of Ascomycetes and the 32 species of Basidiomycetes tested in this study, the Bjerkandera adusta KUC10565, Heterobasidion orientale KUC10556, Hyphoderma praetermissum KUC10609, and Trichoderma harzianum KUC1716 all exhibited remarkably high FPase activity. In addition, the T. harzianum KUC1716 showed high levels of EG and BGL activity. This strain has been selected for further study because of their enzymatic potential.

  • Hanbyul Lee(Division of Environmental Science & Ecological Engineering, College of Life Science & Biotechnology, Korea University)
  • Young Min Lee(Division of Environmental Science & Ecological Engineering, College of Life Science & Biotechnology, Korea University)
  • Young Mok Heo(Division of Environmental Science & Ecological Engineering, College of Life Science & Biotechnology, Korea University)
  • Jaejung Lee(Division of Wood Chemistry and Microbiology, National Institute of Forest Science)
  • Jae-Jin Kim(Division of Environmental Science & Ecological Engineering, College of Life Science & Biotechnology, Korea University) Corresponding author