서해로 유입되는 독립하천의 어류상과 수생태계 건강성 평가: 전남과 전북을 대상으로 Fish Fauna and the Health Assessment of Independent Streams Flowing into the Yellow Sea in Korea: a Case of the Jeonnam and Jeonbuk Provinces

김진재, 주현수
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/339324
Korean Journal of Environmental Biology (환경생물)
Vol. 35 No. 4 (2017.12)
한국환경생물학회 (Korean Society Of Environmental Biology)

In this study, the fauna of freshwater fish were investigated from March until October of 2016 in 24 independent streams in the Jeonnam and Jeonbuk provinces, which were flowing into the Yellow Sea. The health of the aquatic ecosystem in those streams was assessed through the biological and abiological character index (BAc index). During the surveyed period, a total of 4,127 individuals were collected; they belonged to 59 species of 44 genera in 18 families. The most dominant species identified was Zacco platypus, and 12 species were endemic species of Korea, including Rhodeus uyekii. The BAc index indicated a statistically significant correlation (p<0.01 or 0.05). The stage distribution of the aquatic ecosystem health assessment showed the highest rating of 41.7% at the “Fair” stage. The “Good” and “Poor” stages accounted for 20.8% while the “Excellent” stage took up 16.7%. It has been confirmed that the aquatic ecosystem health of independent streams is influenced more by the abiological character index as a consequence of geographical characteristics and artificial/natural limiting factors, than by the biological character index.

서 론
 재료 및 방 법
  1. 조사 방법
  2. 수생태계 건강성 평가
 결과 및 고 찰
  1. 어류상
  2. BAc index의 상관관계와 수생태계 건강성 평가
 적 요
  • 김진재(국립공원관리공단 가야산국립공원사무소, Gayasan National Park Office, Korea National Park Service) | Jin-Jae Kim
  • 주현수(서남대학교 의과대학, College of Medicine, Seonam University) | Hyun-Soo Joo