한국에 서식하는 도토리거위벌레 (Cyllorhynchites ursulus) 구기 및 더듬이 길이의 성적이형성 연구 Sexual Size Dimorphism of the Mouthpart and Antenna of Cyllorhynchites ursulus in Korea

김지영, 김영건, 이유란, 이은옥
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/339327
Korean Journal of Environmental Biology (환경생물)
Vol. 35 No. 4 (2017.12)
한국환경생물학회 (Korean Society Of Environmental Biology)

Sexual dimorphism of the mouthpart, antenna and mandible of the Cyllorhynchites ursulus in South Korea was studied with linear measurements. The mouthpart and antenna measurements were conducted with a stereoscopic microscope using 122 specimens (72 males and 50 females). Microscopic observation of the mandible were conducted with a Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FE-SEM) using 103 specimens (73 males and 30 females). Results showed that the size difference between males and females was significant in the size of the mouthpart and antenna. On the other hand, we could not detect sexual size dimorphism in the microstructure of the mandible. The bivariate plots made by the result of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Discriminant Analysis (DA) showed a size dimorphism in the size of the mouthpart and the antenna between males and females. Based on our study, sexual dimorphism in the mouthpart and antenna exists in C. ursulus from the South Korean population, and this difference seems to be related to the behavioral differences between males and females.

서 론
 재료 및 방 법
  1. 도토리거위벌레의 채집
  2. 실체현미경을 통한 도토리거위벌레의 주둥이 및더듬이길이 측정
  3. 전계방사형주사전자현미경 (Field Emission ScanningElectron Microscope; FE-SEM)을 통한 큰 턱 길이측정
  4. 통계분석
 결과 및 고 찰
  1. 도토리거위벌레의 주둥이 및 더듬이길이 계측을 통한성적이형성 분석
  2. 도토리거위벌레 큰 턱 길이의 성적이형성 분석
  • 김지영(국립생태원 생태연구본부 생태기반연구실, Division of Basic Research, Bureau of Ecological Research, Natioinal Institute of Ecology) | Ji Young Kim
  • 김영건(국립생태원 생태연구본부 생태기반연구실, Division of Basic Research, Bureau of Ecological Research, Natioinal Institute of Ecology) | Yung Kun Kim
  • 이유란(국립생태원 생태연구본부 생태기반연구실, Division of Basic Research, Bureau of Ecological Research, Natioinal Institute of Ecology) | Yoo Ran Lee
  • 이은옥(국립생태원 생태연구본부 생태기반연구실, Division of Basic Research, Bureau of Ecological Research, Natioinal Institute of Ecology) | Eunok Lee Corresponding author