봄철 논습지를 이용하는 도요물떼새류의 먹이자원에 관한 연구 Determinations of Shorebirds Diets during Spring Migration Stopovers in Korean Rice Fields

남형규, 김명현
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/339333
Korean Journal of Environmental Biology (환경생물)
Vol. 35 No. 4 (2017.12)
한국환경생물학회 (Korean Society Of Environmental Biology)

Rice fields are important stopover sites for the conservation of shorebirds during long-distance migration. These fields serve as food sources providing energy for the next leg of the journey. Shorebirds are able to change their preferred food source at stopover sites. However, the type and distribution of food resources remain unknown for the shorebirds in the Republic of Korea. Therefore, we studied the type and distribution pattern of food resource (macroinvertebrates, remaining rice, and other seeds) for shorebirds in the rice fields. We have identified potential and actual food sources for shorebirds in the rice fields. The potential food sources were collected by using a core-sampling method and the actual food source was ascertained by observational analysis. As a result, a total 19 species of benthic macroinvertebrates in 15 families were recorded as potential food sources. A total of 9 families in 9 orders of benthic macroinvertebrates known to be actual food sources were also recorded during the study period, including loaches, and a tuber of sea club rush. Also, the distribution of the food source depended on soil conditions generated by cultivation such as plowing, harrowing, and the use of pesticides. In the present study, we identified the type and distribution of food sources for shorebirds. This information can be used as essential primary baseline data for conservation of shorebirds using the rice fields of the Republic of Korea.

서 론
 재료 및 방 법
  1. 조사 지역
  2. 잠재적 먹이원의 분포 특성 조사
  3. 도요물떼새류 먹이원 조사
  4. 통계 분석
 결 과
 고 찰
 적 요
  • 남형규(한국교원대학교 황새생태연구원, Eco-institute for Oriental Stork, Korea National University of Education) | Hyung-Kyu Nam
  • 김명현(농촌진흥청 국립농업과학원, National Institute of Agricultural Sciences, RDA) | Myung-Hyun Kim Corresponding author