제주도에서의 외래종 돼지풀잎벌레 분포 및 외래종 돼지풀 제거를 위한 생물학적 방제 대상종으로의 활용 가능성 The Distribution of the Exotic Species, Ophraella communa LeSage (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae) and Their Applicability for Biological Control against Ragweed Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. on Jeju Island

김도성, 오기석, 이영돈, 이수영, 이희조, 김현정, 김동언
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/339335
Korean Journal of Environmental Biology (환경생물)
Vol. 35 No. 4 (2017.12)
한국환경생물학회 (Korean Society Of Environmental Biology)

An analysis of recent studies and a field survey were conducted to investigate the distribution of the exotic species Ophraella communa LeSage (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae) and the results’ applicability for biological control against ragweed, which disturbs the island’s ecosystem. The ragweed beetle (O. communa) can be found anywhere on the host plant Ambrosia artemisiifolia L., which grows in Jeju Island. Moreover, ragweed beetles possess the following characteristics: a high host plant specificity, a high-temperature resistance, an excellent mobility, and multivoltinism. Ragweed is extensively distributed and gradually expands its habitat further on Jeju Island. For this reason, it is recommended to take advantage of O. communa for the biological control of ragweed instead of pesticides or direct removal, considering that Jeju is endowed with many natural reserves and unique insular traits.

서 론
 연 구 방 법
  1. 시기 및 지역
  2. 연구방법
 결과 및 고 찰
  1. 분포와 서식지 형태
  2. 기주식물과 산란습성
  3. 분산
  4. 개체군 변화
  5. 위해성
  6. 생물학적 방제 활용 가능성
 적 요
  • 김도성(생물보전연구소, The Institute for Conservation of Wild Spe) | Do-Sung Kim
  • 오기석(㈜한국유용곤충연구소, Korea Beneficial Insects Lab. Co.) | Ki-Seok Oh
  • 이영돈(제주특별자치도 세계유산·한라산연구원, World Heritage and Mt. Hallasan Research Institute) | Yeong-Don Lee
  • 이수영(제주특별자치도 한라산국립공원관리사무소, Hallasan National Park) | Su-Young Lee
  • 이희조(국립생태원 생태보전연구실, Division of Ecological Conservation, National Institute of Ecology) | Heejo Lee
  • 김현정(서울여자대학교 생물학과, Department of Biology, Seoul Women’s University) | Hyun-Jung Kim
  • 김동언(국립생태원 생태보전연구실, Division of Ecological Conservation, National Institute of Ecology) | Dong-Eon Kim Corresponding author