딸기 온실에서 점박이응애의 축차표본조사법 개발 Development of Sequential Sampling Plans for Tetranychus urticae in Strawberry Greenhouses

최호정, 강주완, 정효진, 최시라, 박정준
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/339336
Korean Journal of Environmental Biology (환경생물)
Vol. 35 No. 4 (2017.12)
한국환경생물학회 (Korean Society Of Environmental Biology)

A fixed-precision-level sampling plan was developed to establish control of the two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae, in two strawberry greenhouses (conventional plot, natural enemy plot). T. urticae was sampled by taking a three-leaflet leaf (1 stalk) from each plant (3 three-leaflet leaves) from each sampling position. Each leaflet was divided into three different units (1-leaflet, 2-leaflet, and 3-leaflet units) to compare relative net precision (RNP) values for selection of the appropriate sampling unit. The relative net precision values indicated that a 1-leaflet unit was more precise and cost-efficient than other units. The spatial distribution analysis was performed using Taylor’s power law (TPL). Homogeneity of the TPL parameters in each greenhouse was evaluated by using the analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). A fixed-precision-level sequential sampling plan was developed using the parameters of TPL generated from the combined data of the conventional plot and natural enemy plot in a 1-leaflet sampling unit. Sequential classification sampling plans were also developed using the action threshold of 3 and 10 mites for pooled data. Using the results obtained in the independent data, simulated validation of the developed sampling plan by Resampling validation for sampling plan (RVSP) indicated a reasonable level of precision.

서 론
 재료 및 방 법
  1. 조사 장소 및 포장 구성
  2. 표본추출 및 조사 방법
  3. 표본단위의 설정 (Sampling unit selection)
  4. 공간분포 분석 (Spatial Distribution Analysis)
  5. 표본추출 정시선 (Sampling stop line)
  6. 방제의사결정 (Control Decision-making)
  7. 표본추출법의 적합성분석
 결과 및 고 찰
  1. 표본단위의 설정
  2. 공간분포 분석
  3. 표본추출 정시선
  4. 방제의사결정
  5. 표본추출법의 적합성 분석
  • 최호정(경상대학교 식물의학과, Department of Plant Medicine, Gyeongsang National University) | Hojeong Choe
  • 강주완(경상대학교 식물의학과, Department of Plant Medicine, Gyeongsang National University) | Juwan Kang
  • 정효진(경상대학교 식물의학과, Department of Plant Medicine, Gyeongsang National University) | Hyojin Jung
  • 최시라(경상대학교 식물의학과, Department of Plant Medicine, Gyeongsang National University) | Sira Choi
  • 박정준(경상대학교 농업생명과학연구원, Institute of Agriculture and Life Science, Gyeongsang National University) | Jung-Joon Park Corresponding author