생태계 네트워크 분석을 이용한 생물 군집의 구조와 기능에 대한 연구: 청계천을 사례로 Exploring Community Structure and Function with Network Analysis: a Case Study of Cheonggye Stream

이민영, 조기종, 김용은
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/357269
Korean Journal of Environmental Biology (환경생물)
Vol. 36 No. 3 (2018.09)
한국환경생물학회 (Korean Society Of Environmental Biology)

It is important to consider interaction between species in understanding structure and function of the biological community. Current ecological issues such as climate change and habitat loss emphasize the significance of the concept of species interaction in that varying species’ interaction across environmental gradients may lead to altered ecological function and services. However, most community studies have focused on species diversity through analysis of quantitative indices based on species composition and abundance data without considering species interactions in the community. ‘Ecological network analysis’ based on network theory enables exploration of structural and functional properties of ecosystems composed of various species and their interactions. In this paper, network analysis of Cheonggye stream as a case study was presented to promote uses of network analysis on ecological studies in Korea. Cheonggye stream has a simple biological structure with link density of 1.48, connectance 0.07, generality 4.43, and vulnerability 1.94. The ecological network analysis can be used to provide ecological interpretations of domestic long-term monitoring data and can contribute to conserving and managing species diversity in ecosystems.

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  • 이민영(고려대학교 환경생태공학과) | Minyoung Lee
  • 조기종(고려대학교 환경생태공학과) | Kijong Cho Corresponding author
  • 김용은(고려대학교 환경생태연구소, 고려대학교 오정에코리질리언스 연구원) | Yongeun Kim