큰느타리버섯 주요 수출시장인 유럽과 북미시장의 소비자에게 선호도가 높은 갓이 큰 형태의 큰느타리버섯 품종을 육종하기 위하여 육종모본 KNR2555를 자식교배하여 소규모 시험재배하여 갓형(Convex)와 갓직경(60.7 mm), 품질(4.9)을 기준으로 2×12계통을 선발하였다. 선발된 계통을 갓애린이라고 명명하고 대량재배로 큰느타리2호와 생육특성을 비교하였다. 병당수량은 갓애린이가 71.7 g으로 대조품종 71.4 g과 통계적 유의성 없었다. 품질의 경우 갓애린이는 6.8, 큰느타리2호는 6.5로 나타났다. 생육소요일, 길이, 갓직경은 독립 t test로 분석한 결과 통계적으로 유의성을 보였다(각각 P < 0.001, P < 0.05, P < 0.001, P < 0.05). 고유성에 있어서는 URP1와 URP10에서 대조 품종과 신품종이 다형성을 보였고, 대치배양에서도 뚜렷한 대선이 관찰되었다.
In order to breed a new Pleurotus eryngii cultivar with a large pileus and convex shape, which are favorite traits of customers from Europe and North America, single crosses between monokaryotic mycelia derived from basidiospores of KNR2555 were performed to yield the new cultivar 2×12 chosen by cap shape (convex), diameter of pileus (60.7 mm), and quality (4.9) in a preliminary cultivation. The strain was named Gat_aeryni and was cultivated on a large scale for comparison with Kenneutari 2 ho at the GNARES and at mushroom farms. The yield of Gat_aeryni (71.7 g) was not significantly different from that of Kenneutari 2 ho (71.4 g), and the quality of the new cultivar was 6.8, which was not significantly different from that of a reference cultivar (6.5). Days for harvest, length, and diameter of the pileus in the two cultivars were statistically different by an independent t-test (P < 0.001, P < 0.05, P < 0.001 and P < 0.05 respectively). The new and reference cultivars were discriminated by PCR reactions with a primer set (URP1 and URP10) and simultaneous cultivation.