질소원이 증진된 수확후배지를 이용한 느타리버섯 수량 특성 Yield characteristics of Pleurotus ostreatus according to the use of spent mushroom substrate with high nitrogen content

백일선, 김정한, 이용선, 신복음, 이윤혜, 이영순
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/365062
제16권 제4호 (2018.12)
한국버섯학회 (The Korean Society of Mushroom Science)

본 연구는 아미노산과 질소원이 증진된 수확후배지를 재사용하고, 느타리에서 영양원으로 사용되는 면실박의 사용을 줄이기 위해 수행되었다.
수확후배지의 질소원 증진을 위해 두 가지의 세균이 사용 되었으며, GM20-4는 느타리버섯의 수확후배지부터 분리되었고, Rhodobacter sphaeroides는 광주시농업기술센터로부터 분양받았다. 처리구에 사용된 수확후배지는 건조 후 사용했으며, 위의 2가지의 미생물 처리에 의해 수확후배지의 총질소 함량은 0.34% 증가되었다. 8% DSMS 가진 T1처리구와 18% D-SMS가 첨가된 T2가 대조와 T3처리구보다 발이율이 높았으며, 생물학적 효율은 대조 110%, T1이 114%, T2가 112%, T3가 79%로 조사되었다. 경제성, 수량 및 생물학적 효율을 고려해볼 때 18% 건조 수확후배지를 사용한 T2가 느타리 재배배지로 가장 효율적인 것으로 조사되었다.

The aim of this study was to re-use spent mushroom substrate (SMS) with increased total nitrogen (T-N) and amino acid content and reduce the amount of cottonseed meal used as nutrient supplement in Pleurotus ostreatus cultivation. Bacteria used for improvement of the T-N content were GM20-4(Bacillus sp.) and Rhodobacter sphaeroides (RS). GM20-4 was isolated from the SMS of P. ostreatus and RS was obtained from Gwangjusi agricultural technology center. SMS in T1, T2, and T3 was reused as substrate after drying and the T-N content of dried SMS (D-SMS) was increased by 0.34% by treatment with the bacteria. T1 with 8% D-SMS and T2 with 18% D-SMS had higher rates of primordia formation compared with T3 and the control. The biological efficiency of the control and of treatment with 8%, 18%, and 26% D-SMS was 110%, 114%, 112%, and 79%, respectively. Considering the economic cost, yield, and biological efficiency, T2 with 18% D-SMS as the culture substrate for P. ostreatus was shown to be the most effective for cultivation.

 서 론
 재료 및 방법
  배지 원재료 및 배지분석을 위한 전처리
  수확후배지 적용 시험균주 배양조건
  배지원재료의 특성분석
  수확후배지 미생물 처리조건
  수확후배지 아미노산 분석
  미생물이 처리된 수확후배지 첨가혼합비율
  공시품종, 균사배양 및 생육특성 조사
  수확후배지 첨가량에 따른 생육배지 경제성 분석
 결과 및 고찰
  배지 원재료의 이화학적 특성 분석
  수확후배지 적용 시험균주 배양조건
  수확후배지 미생물 처리에 따른 T-N 및 아미노산 함량 변화
  미생물 처리된 수확후배지 사용에 따른 배지 혼합비 및 이화학적 특성
  자실체 특성과 배지 경제성 분석
 적 요
  • 백일선(경기도농업기술원 버섯연구소) | Il-Sun Baek (Mushroom Research Institute, Gyeonggi-do Agricultural Research & Extension Services) Corresponding author
  • 김정한(경기도농업기술원 버섯연구소) | Jeong-Han Kim (Mushroom Research Institute, Gyeonggi-do Agricultural Research & Extension Services)
  • 이용선(경기도농업기술원 버섯연구소) | Yong-Seon Lee (Mushroom Research Institute, Gyeonggi-do Agricultural Research & Extension Services)
  • 신복음(경기도농업기술원 버섯연구소) | Bok-Eum Shin (Mushroom Research Institute, Gyeonggi-do Agricultural Research & Extension Services)
  • 이윤혜(경기도농업기술원 버섯연구소) | Yun-Hae Lee (Mushroom Research Institute, Gyeonggi-do Agricultural Research & Extension Services)
  • 이영순(경기도농업기술원 버섯연구소) | Young-Soon Lee (Mushroom Research Institute, Gyeonggi-do Agricultural Research & Extension Services)