Properties of disease occurrence by season for cultivation facilities of oyster mushroom

Myoung-Jun Jang, YounJin Park, Jeong-Han Kim
  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/381541
제17권 제3호 (2019.09)
한국버섯학회 (The Korean Society of Mushroom Science)

We investigated the correlation between density of air and the infection rate of airborne microorganisms in mushroom cultivation facilities and found that the correlation was low in places where the infection rate during cultivation was less than 1%. The farms with an infection rate of 2~5% showed a high infection rate in the inoculation room in spring and summer seasons, and in the incubation room in autumn, and the farms with an infection rate of more than 6% showed infection in all the rooms regardless of the season. The farms where the Trichoderma sp. was investigated at the time of the mushroom cultivation showed the highest infection rates of 3.17%, 2.74%, and 2.64% in summer, spring, and autumn, respectively. The farms infected with Neurospora tetrasperma showed a lesser rate of infection than the ones infected with Trichoderma sp., and the highest infection rate of 0.56% was observed in summer. Based on these results, the type of infection could be classified into five groups, where type I was farms where the infection rate is less than 1% in all seasons. Three farms belonged to this type, and the infection rate in this type was lower than that in the other types.

    Sample sites of research subject and collected ofairborne microorganisms
    Separation and cultivation of collected mold
    Base sequence analysis and identification ofcollected mold
  • Myoung-Jun Jang(Department of Plant Resources, Kongju National University)
  • YounJin Park(Green Manure and Legumes Resource Center, Kongju National University)
  • Jeong-Han Kim(Mushroom Research Institute, Gyeonggido Agricultural Research & Extension Services) Corresponding author