본 연구에서는 바이오매스 폐기물인 Corynebacterium glutamium을 Alg를 이용한 고정화와 PEI 표면개질 과정을 통하여 유해 미세조류인 Microcystis aeruginosa를 제거할 수 있는 흡착소재인 PEI-AlgBF를 개발하였다. 녹조의 발생단계에 상관없이 PEI-AlgBF는 수계로부터 M. aeruginosa를 성공적으로 제거할 수 있었으며 유해조류 제거과정에서 M. aeruginosa 세포의 파괴를 유발하지 않았다. 흡착소재의 표면적은 M. aeruginosa의 제거효율에 매우 큰 영향을 주는 주요인자로 확인할 수 있었다. PEI-AlgBF를 사용한 M. aeruginosa 흡착/제거 방식은 기존 기술에 비하여 환경영 향성이 낮기 때문에 보다 안전하고 안정적인 유해조류의 제어 방식이 될 것이다.
As the occurrence of harmful algal blooms (HABs) have become severe in precious water resources, the development of efficient harmful algae treatment methods is considering as an important environmental issue for sustainable conservation of water resources. To treat HABs in water resources, various conventional physical and chemical methods have been utilized and showed treatment efficiency, However, these methods can lead to discharging of cyanotoxins into the water bodies by chemical or physical algal cell lysis or destruction. Thus, to overcome this limitation, the development of safe HABs treatment methods is required. In the present study, adsorption technology was investigated for the removal of harmful algal species, Microcystis aeruginosa from aqueous phases. Industrial waste biomass, Corynebacterium glutamicum biomass was valorized as biosorbent (PEI-modified alginate/biomass composite fiber; PEI-AlgBF) for M. aeruginosa through immobilization with alginate matrix and cationic polymer (polyethylenimine; PEI) coating. The functional groups characteristic of PEI-Alg was determined using FT-IR analysis. By adsorption process used PEI-AlgBF, 52 and 67% of M. aeruginosa could be removed under the initial density of M. aeruginosa 200×104 cells mL-1 and 50×104 cells mL-1, respectively. As the increasing surface area of PEI-AlgBF, the removal efficiency was increased. In addition, we could find that adsorptive removal of M. aeruginosa has occurred without any M. aeruginosa cell lysis and destruction.