가습기 살균제 성분 (PHMG, PGH, CMIT/MIT)의 사람 피부세포 독성 및 제브라피쉬 뇌신경 독성 비교 연구 Comparison study of dermal cell toxicity and zebrafish brain toxicity by humidifier sterilizer chemicals (PHMG, PGH, CMIT/MIT)

조경현, 김재룡
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/395072
Korean Journal of Environmental Biology (환경생물)
Vol. 38 No. 2 (2020.06)
한국환경생물학회 (Korean Society Of Environmental Biology)

Toxicities to many organs caused by humidifier disinfectants have been reported. Recently, humidifier disinfectants have been reported to cause cardiovascular, embryonic, and hepatic toxicities. This study was designed to investigate the toxic mechanism of humidifier disinfectants and compare toxicity in a cellular model and a zebrafish animal model. Because brain toxicity and skin toxicity have been less studied than other organs, we evaluated toxicity in a human dermal cell line and zebrafish under various concentrations of humidifier disinfectants that included polyhexamethyleneguanidine phosphate (PHMG), oligo-[2-(2-ethoxy)-ethoxyethylguanidinium- chloride] (PGH) and methylchloroisothiazolinone/methylisothiazolinone (CMIT/MIT). A human dermal fibroblast cell line was treated with disinfectants (0, 2, 4, 6, 8, and 16 mg L-1) to compare their cytotoxicity. The fewest PHMG-treated cells survived (up to 33%), while 49% and 40% of the PGH- and CMIT/MIT-treated cells, respectively, survived. The quantification of oxidized species in the media revealed that the PHMGtreated cells had the highest MDA content of around 28 nM, while the PGH- and CMIT/ MIT-treated cells had 13 and 21 nM MDA, respectively. As for brain toxicity, treatment of the zebrafish tank water with CMIT/MIT (final 40 mg L-1) for 30 min resulted in a 17- fold higher production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) than in the control. Treatment with PGH or PHMG (final 40 mg L-1) resulted in 15- and 11-fold higher production, respectively. The humidifier disinfectants (PHMG, PGH, and CMIT/MIT) showed severe dermal cell toxicity and brain toxicity. These toxicities may be relevant factors in understanding why some children have language disorders, motor delays, and developmental delays from exposure to humidifier disinfectants.

서 론
재료 및 방법
    1. 가습기 살균제 성분들과 처리농도
    2. 사람피부세포 배양 조건
    3. 제브라피쉬 사육 및 노출 실험
    4. 제브라피쉬 조직 분석
    5. 데이터 분석 방법
결과 및 고찰
    1. 사람 피부세포 독성 분석
    2. 제브라피쉬 뇌신경조직 독성 분석
결 론
적 요
  • 조경현(영남대학교 의생명공학과/영남대학교 의과대학 생화학분자생물학교실 스마트에이징 융복합 연구센터) | Kyung-Hyun Cho (LipoLab, Department of Medical Biotech, Yeungnam University/Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Smart-Aging Convergence Research Center, College of Medicine, Yeungnam University) Corresponding author
  • 김재룡(영남대학교 의과대학 생화학분자생물학교실 스마트에이징 융복합 연구센터) | Jae-Ryong Kim (Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Smart-Aging Convergence Research Center, College of Medicine, Yeungnam University)