식물상 자료에 기초한 한반도 도서 지역의 생태계 교란 외래식물 분포 Distribution of invasive alien plants on the islands of the Korean Peninsula based on flora data

김현희, 미즈노 카즈하루, 김다빈, 이호상, 공우석
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/400335
Korean Journal of Environmental Biology (환경생물)
Vol. 38 No. 3 (2020.09)
한국환경생물학회 (Korean Society Of Environmental Biology)

This study analyzed the distribution characteristics of invasive alien plants on the islands of the Korean Peninsula. Ten species, Rumex acetosella, Sicyos angulatus, Solanum carolinense, Ambrosia artemisiaefolia var. elatior, Ambrosia trifida, Aster pilosus, Eupatorium rugosum, Hypochaeris radicata, Lactuca scariola, and Paspalum distichum were present on 68 islands. These ecosystem-disturbing invasive alien plants appeared extensively on the islands of Gyeonggi province and Jeollanam province. The proportion of the plants on the inhabited islands (41 places, 2.15 species on average) was higher than that on the uninhabited islands (27 places, 1.07 species on average). This means that the distribution of invasive alien plants was closely related to human activity. The distribution of Ambrosia artemisiaefolia var. elatior (32 islands) and Rumex acetosella (31 islands) was the widest, and there were distinct distribution differences according to species. In the island area, the physical environment is poor compared to the mainland, and the native space is limited. Therefore, when invasive alien species enter and settle on the island, the native island plants can be damaged more than those on the mainland. In this regard, the discussion of the distribution of invasive alien plants in the island region can contribute to the conservation of biodiversity in the region.

서 론
연구지역 및 방법
결 과
    1. 분포 현황
    2. 지역별 분포 현황
    3. 종별 분포 현황
고 찰
  • 김현희(교토대학교 지리학과) | Hyun-Hee Kim (Department of Geography, Kyoto University) Corresponding author
  • 미즈노 카즈하루(교토대학교 지리학과) | Kazuharu Mizuno (Department of Geography, Kyoto University)
  • 김다빈(네이쳐그라피) | Da-Bin Kim (NatureGraphy)
  • 이호상(국립산림과학원 난대·아열대산림연구소) | Ho-Sang Lee (Warm Temperate and Subtropical Forest Research Center, National Institute of Forest Science)
  • 공우석(경희대학교 지리학과) | Woo-Seok Kong (Department of Geography, Kyung Hee University)