전국 12개 지역에서 수집된 표고 768건, 표고배지 143 건의 시료를 대상으로 다종다성분 320종 및 단성분 mepiquat chloride에 대해 분석한 결과, 표고 4건, 표고배지 3건으로 총 7건에서 잔류농약이 검출되었으며, 검출된 성분은 carbendazim, diflubenzuron, fluopyram, dinotefuran 이었다. 본 연구에서는 표고 3건, 배지 1건으로 총 4건의 시료에서 carbendazim이 검출되었으나 각각의 검출량은 0.056 mg/kg, 0.17 mg/kg, 0.043 mg/kg, 0.09 mg/kg으로 MRL 인 0.7 mg/kg에 비해 소량으로 나타났다. Fluopyram은 0.068 mg/kg, dinotefuran은 0.06 mg/kg으로 모두 배지에서 각각 1건씩 검출되었다. 식물생장조절제로 사용되는 mepiquat chloride는 본 연구에서는 검출되지 않았다. 전체 수집표고 중 소수의 시료에서 잔류농약이 검출되었나, 등록되지 않은 농약은 PLS에 의하면 0.01 ppm이 최대허용치로 구분되어 있어, 후속 연구를 통하여 표고를 비롯한 버섯류의 안전성의 기준 작성에 필수적인 자료를 확보하고자 한다.
The study was conducted for the safety evaluation of 320 pesticide residues in 768 Lentinula edodes fruit body samples and 143 L. edodes media samples, which are distributed nationwide in South Korea. The monitoring method was the second of the multi-residue methods in the Korean Food Code. GC-ECD, GC-NPD, and GC-MSD were used as evaluation equipment for analysis. Single-analysis of the target pesticides was performed for mepiquat chloride. Through the analysis of collected L. edodes samples, pesticide residues were detected in total seven cases, including four L. edodes fruit body samples and three L. edodes media samples. The detected pesticide residues were carbendazim, diflubenzuron, fluopyram, and dinotefuran. In this study, carbendazim was detected in three L. edodes fruit body samples and one L. edodes media sample. The detected amount of carbendazim was 0.056, 0.17, 0.043, and 0.09 mg/kg, respectively. The amount of carbendazim in the collected L. edodes samples was detected below the MRLs (maximum residue level). The detected amounts of fluopyram and dinotefuran were 0.068 mg/kg and 0.06 mg/kg, respectively. Two pesticide residues were detected in the medium in one case. Mepiquat chloride was not detected in this study. These results suggested that residual pesticides were detected in a small number of collected L. edodes. However, the PLS for unregistered pesticides MRL was 0.01 ppm; therefore, we have to conduct research on preparing safety standards for mushrooms, including L. edodes.