Effects of different temperature, salinity and nutrient concentration on growth of the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium pacificum (Group IV) isolated from Korean coastal waters

Kyong Ha Han, Kyeong Yoon Kwak, Seok Jin Oh, Hyeon Ho Shin
  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/405259
한국환경생물학회 학술대회
2020 한국환경생물학회 정기학술대회 초록집 (2020.11)
한국환경생물학회 (Korean Society Of Environmental Biology)
  • Kyong Ha Han(Library of Marine Samples, Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology)
  • Kyeong Yoon Kwak(Library of Marine Samples, Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology)
  • Seok Jin Oh(Pukyong National University)
  • Hyeon Ho Shin(Library of Marine Samples, Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology) Corresponding author