해양환경 변화로 인한 2018~2020년 동해 식물플랑크톤 크기 구조 변화 Changes in phytoplankton size structure in the East Sea 2018-2020 due to marine environment change

박경우, 오현주, 황재동, 문수연, 이민욱, 윤석현
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/413640
Korean Journal of Environmental Biology (환경생물)
Vol. 40 No. 1 (2022.03)
한국환경생물학회 (Korean Society Of Environmental Biology)

We conducted a field survey from 2018 to 2020 to analyze the spatial distribution of phytoplankton communities at 13 stations in the East Sea. The diatom Chaetoceros curvisetus appeared as the dominant species in winter, and small flagellates less than 20 μm prevailed in all seasons except winter. The seasonal average range of the micro (>20 μm), nano (20 μm≥Chl-a>3 μm), and picophytoplankton (≤3 μm) was 20.6-26.2%, 27.1-35.9%, and 40.8-49.0%, respectively. The composition ratio of nano and picophytoplankton was high at the surface mixed layer from spring to autumn when the water columns were strongly stratified. Especially, the stability of the water mass was increased when the summer surface water temperature was higher than that of the previous year. As a result, the nutrient inflow from the lower layer to the surface was reduced as the ocean stratification layer was strengthened. Therefore, the composition ratio of nano and picophytoplankton was the highest at 77.9% at the surface mixed layer. In conclusion, the structure of the phytoplankton community in the East Sea has been miniaturized, which is expected to form a complex microbial food web structure and lower the carbon transfer rate to the upper consumer stage.

서 론
재료 및 방법
    1. 현장 조사 및 시료 채집
    2. 영양염 분석
    3. 식물플랑크톤 우점종
    4. Chl-a 크기별 분석
    5. 자료 분석
결 과
    1. 물리환경
    2. 영양염 환경
    4. 우점종
고 찰
적 요
사 사
  • 박경우(국립수산과학원 기 후변화연구과) | Kyung Woo Park (National Institute of Fisheries Science, NIFS, Busan 46083, Republic of Korea)
  • 오현주(국립수산과학원 기 후변화연구과) | Hyun Ju Oh (National Institute of Fisheries Science, NIFS, Busan 46083, Republic of Korea)
  • 황재동(국립수산과학원 기 후변화연구과) | Jae Dong Hwang (National Institute of Fisheries Science, NIFS, Busan 46083, Republic of Korea)
  • 문수연(국립수산과학원 기 후변화연구과) | Su Yeon Moon (National Institute of Fisheries Science, NIFS, Busan 46083, Republic of Korea)
  • 이민욱(국립수산과학원 기 후변화연구과) | Min Uk Lee (National Institute of Fisheries Science, NIFS, Busan 46083, Republic of Korea)
  • 윤석현(국립수산과학원 기 후변화연구과) | Seok Hyun Youn (National Institute of Fisheries Science, NIFS, Busan 46083, Republic of Korea) Corresponding author