영광 안마군도 주변 해역 식물플랑크톤 군집의 계절 동태 Seasonal dynamics of phytoplankton community in the Anma Islands of Yeonggwang (AIY), West Sea, Korea

주하연, 송아영, 박지혜, 윤양호
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/413641
Korean Journal of Environmental Biology (환경생물)
Vol. 40 No. 1 (2022.03)
한국환경생물학회 (Korean Society Of Environmental Biology)

A survey was conducted to analyze seasonal dynamics of the phytoplankton community at 22 stations on the surface and bottom layers in the Anma Islands of Yeonggwang (AIY) in the southern West Sea, Korea from the spring of 2020 to the winter of 2021, using a marine survey vessel Ed Ocean. Based on the survey results, there were 87 phytoplankton species in 52 genera, diatoms accounted for 67.8%, dinoflagellates 26.5%, silicoflagellates 3.5%, and cryptomonads and euglenoids accounted for 1.1% each. By season, it was simple in spring and relatively varied in winter. The phytoplankton standing crop on the surface was low (28.8±30.1 cells mL-1) in summer and high (87.0±65.1 cells mL-1) in spring. In the phytoplankton community, diatoms showed a high share (over 80%) throughout the year, and Skeletonema costatum-ls was the dominant species with a dominance of more than 60% in spring and winter, and 34.6% and 24.2% in summer and autumn, respectively. The diversity expressing the characteristics of the community structure was high (2.79±0.45) in autumn and low (1.82±0.18) in spring, unlike the phytoplankton standing crop. However, the dominance was high at (0.86±0.08) in spring and low (0.44±0.13) in autumn. Based on the results of principal component analysis (PCA) using environmental and phytoplankton-related factors, it was estimated that the biological oceanographic environmental characteristics seen through the phytoplankton community in the AIY were dominated by nutrients supplied from open seawater and surface sediments by seawater mixing, such as tidal mixing.

서 론
재료 및 방법
결과 및 고찰
    1. 엽록소 a 농도
    2. 식물플랑크톤 군집
    3. 식물플랑크톤 군집의 분포 및 계절변동 특성
결 론
적 요
  • 주하연(전남대학교 대 학원 환경해양학과) | Hayeon Ju (Department of Environmental Oceanography, Graduate School, Chonnam National University. Yeosu 56828, Republic of Korea)
  • 송아영(전남대학교 대 학원 환경해양학과) | Ayeong Song (Department of Environmental Oceanography, Graduate School, Chonnam National University. Yeosu 56828, Republic of Korea)
  • 박지혜(전남대학교 대 학원 환경해양학과) | Ji Hye Park (Department of Environmental Oceanography, Graduate School, Chonnam National University. Yeosu 56828, Republic of Korea)
  • 윤양호(전남대학교 해 양융합과학과) | Yang Ho Yoon (Department of Ocean Integrated Science, Chonnam National University, Yeosu 56828, Republic of Korea) Corresponding author