한반도 환경협력을 위한 국제사회 동향과 미래 협력방안 Environmental cooperation strategies of Korean Peninsula considering International Environmental Regimes

임철희, 최현아
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/415404
Korean Journal of Environmental Biology (환경생물)
Vol. 40 No. 2 (2022.06)
한국환경생물학회 (Korean Society Of Environmental Biology)

North Korea has actively participated in the international community related to environmental agreements. It has proposed various environmental policies internally since the Kim Jong-un regime. In particular, it emphasizes activities related to climate change response, the Sustainable Development Goals, and the conservation of ecosystems including forests and wetlands. In this study, a new security cooperation plan was proposed with an understanding of the climate crisis and environmental regime as a starting point. To this end, trends and recent activities for climate-environment cooperation in the international community and on the Korean Peninsula were analyzed. In addition, North Korea’s conditions for cooperation on the Korean Peninsula, technology demand, and the projected future environment of the Korean Peninsula were dealt with. Ultimately, through advice of experts, we were able to discover cooperation agendas by sector and propose short-term and long-term environmental cooperation strategies for the Korean Peninsula based on them. In this study, conditions and directions for cooperation in fields of climate technology, biological resources, air/weather, water environment, biodiversity, renewable energy, bioenergy, and so on were considered comprehensively. Among 21 cooperation agendas discovered in this study, energy showed the largest number of areas. Renewable energy, forest resources, and environmental and meteorological information stood out as agendas that could be cooperated in the short term. As representative initiatives, joint promotion of ‘renewable energy’ that could contribute to North Korea’s energy demand and carbon neutrality and ‘forest cooperation’ that could be recognized as a source of disaster reduction and greenhouse gas sinks were suggested.

서 론
환경협력의 국제 및 한반도 동향
    1. 환경생물 분야 국제사회 동향
    2. 남북한의 국제 환경레짐 현황
    3. 국제환경레짐 내 북한의 협력사업
미래 환경위기에 대응한 한반도의 협력 여건
    1. 북한의 국제협력을 위한 여건
    2. 북한의 환경 여건과 기술협력 수요
    3. 한반도 미래환경 전망
남북 기후·환경협력의제 발굴 및 전략 도출
    1. 남북 기후·환경협력의 공동의제 발굴 및 유형화
    2. 남북 기후·환경협력 추진전략
적 요
사 사
  • 임철희(국민대학교 교양대학) | Chul-Hee Lim (College of General Education, Kookmin University. Seoul 02707, Republic of Korea)
  • 최현아(한스자이델재단 한 국사무소) | Hyun-Ah Choi (Korea Office, Hanns Seidel Foundation. Seoul 04419, Republic of Korea) Corresponding author