큰느타리(King Oyster Mushroom) 재배시스템을 활용한 녹각영지버섯(Ganoderma lucidum) 적정 재배온도 Appropriate temperature of antler-shaped Ganoderma lucidum using King Oyster Mushroom Cultivation System

조우식, 김민경, 황재순
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/416777
제20권 제3호 (2022.09)
한국버섯학회 (The Korean Society of Mushroom Science)

High-income mushroom crops require complex farming. Therefore, we conducted a test to identify the optimum temperature for the production of antler-shaped Ganoderma lucidum using the King Oyster mushroom cultivation facility. T-N showed 0.28% of oak sawdust and 2.2% of nutritional source. The pH of oak sawdust was 6.0, indicating weak acidity, and that of rice steel was 6.6, indicating neutrality in nutrition source. Study on the quality characteristics of mushrooms showed that the number of days at 25°C were 5~6 and those at 30°C were 3~5; the representative length at 25°C was 57.5 mm and that at 30°C was 92.2 mm; the biological weight at 25 °C was 43 g, which was greater than that at 30°C.

적 요
감사의 글
  • 조우식(경상북도농업기술원 원예경영연구과) | Woo-Sik Jo (Horticulture & Management Division, Gyeongbuk Province Agricultural Technology Administration, Daegu, 41404, Korea) Corresponding Author
  • 김민경(경상북도농업기술원 농업환경연구과) | Minkyeong Kim (Agriculture Environment Division, Gyeongbuk Province Agricultural Technology Administration, Daegu, 41404, Korea)
  • 황재순(경상북도농업기술원 농업환경연구과) | Jae Soon Hwang (Agriculture Environment Division, Gyeongbuk Province Agricultural Technology Administration, Daegu, 41404, Korea)