생태계교란식물 가시상추의 발생특성과 관리방안 Occurrence characteristics and management plans of Lactuca scariola L., an ecosystem disturbance plant

이인용, 김승환, 이용호, 홍선희
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/416903
Korean Journal of Environmental Biology (환경생물)
Vol. 40 No. 3 (2022.09)
한국환경생물학회 (Korean Society Of Environmental Biology)

Lactuca scariola L. is one of ecosystem-disturbance plants that grow everywhere such as roadsides, grasslands, railroads, banks, and fields. L. scariola usually occurs in autumn. It overwinters in rosette form. It flowers and produces seeds in early summer of the next year. Seeds of L. scariola can germinate immediately without dormancy when the temperature is over 20°C. Due to endogenous bacteria in seeds of L. scariola, it has a strong drought tolerance. Thus, it can grow well on roadsides. L. scariola should be controlled as it can result in 60-80% of soybean yield loss at densities above 50 plants m-2. It is advisable to remove L. scariola as it competes with native plants by acting as a pioneer to other ecosystem-disturbance plants. Among various control methods, chemical control is the most effective method that is widely used. Soil treatment with herbicides such as oxyfluorfen EC and pendimethalin EC can inhibit the development of L. scariola. Foliar treatment herbicides glyphosate and glufosinateammonium are widely used. L. scariola is resistant to 2,4-D, dicamba, and MCPA among foliar treatment herbicides. Thus, it is recommended to apply herbicides with different modes of action.

서 론
가시상추의 형태와 분포
가시상추의 생리·생태적 특성
가시상추의 이용 및 경제적 피해
가시상추에 의한 생태적 위협
가시상추의 관리 및 방제기술
    1. 경종적 방제
    2. 물리적 방제
    3. 화학적 방제
    4. 생물학적 방제
가시상추 확산 방지를 위한 종합방제모형
고 찰
적 요
사 사
  • 이인용(국립한경대학교 식물자원조경학부) | In-Yong Lee (School of Applied Science in Natural Resources & Environment, Hankyong National University, Anseong 17579, Republic of Korea)
  • 김승환(국립한경대학교 식물자원조경학부) | Seung-Hwan Kim (School of Applied Science in Natural Resources & Environment, Hankyong National University, Anseong 17579, Republic of Korea)
  • 이용호(국립한경대학교 식물자원조경학부) | Yong-Ho Lee (School of Applied Science in Natural Resources & Environment, Hankyong National University, Anseong 17579, Republic of Korea)
  • 홍선희(국립한경대학교 식물자원조경학부) | Sun-Hee Hong (School of Applied Science in Natural Resources & Environment, Hankyong National University, Anseong 17579, Republic of Korea) Corresponding Author