기수산 물벼룩의 유충 호르몬 (Juvenile hormone) 신호전달경로 관련 유전자의 특성 분석 Molecular characterization of juvenile hormone signaling pathwayrelated genes in the brackish water flea Diaphanosoma celebensis

조하영, 유제원, 이영미
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/416905
Korean Journal of Environmental Biology (환경생물)
Vol. 40 No. 3 (2022.09)
한국환경생물학회 (Korean Society Of Environmental Biology)

In crustaceans, molting is regulated by interactions between ecdysteroid and juvenile hormone (JH) signaling pathway-related genes. Unlike the ecdysteroid signaling pathway, little information on the role of JH signaling pathway-related genes in molting is available in zooplanktonic crustaceans. In this study, three genes (juvenile hormone acid O-methyltransferase (JHAMT ), methoprene-tolerant (Met ), and juvenile hormone epoxide hydrolase (JHEH )) which are involved in the synthesis, receptor-binding, and degradation of JH were identified using sequence and phylogenetic analysis in the brackish water flea, Diaphanosoma celebensis. Transcriptional changes in these genes during the molting cycle in D. celebensis were analyzed. Sequence and phylogenetic analysis revealed that these putative proteins may be functionally conserved along with those of insects and other crustaceans. In addition, the expression of the three genes was correlated with the molting cycle of D. celebensis, indicating that these genes may be involved in the synthesis and degradation of JH, resulting in normal molting. This study will provide information for a better understanding of the role of JH signaling pathwayrelated genes during the molting process in Cladocera.

서 론
재료 및 방법
    1. 시험생물
    2. 유전자서열 및 계통분석
    3. RNA 추출 및 cDNA 합성
    4. Quantitative real time reverse transcription -polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR)
5. 통계분석
결과 및 고찰
    1. 유충호르몬 (JH) 신호전달경로 관련 유전자의 확인
    2. 탈피 기간 동안 JH 신호전달경로 관련유전자 발현 변화
적 요
사 사
  • 조하영(상명대학교 융합공과대학 생명공학과) | Hayoung Cho (Department of Biotechnology, College of Convergence Engineering, Sangmyung University, Seoul 03016, Republic of Korea)
  • 유제원(상명대학교 융합공과대학 생명공학과) | Jewon Yoo (Department of Biotechnology, College of Convergence Engineering, Sangmyung University, Seoul 03016, Republic of Korea)
  • 이영미(상명대학교 융합공과대학 생명공학과) | Young-Mi Lee (Department of Biotechnology, College of Convergence Engineering, Sangmyung University, Seoul 03016, Republic of Korea) Corresponding Author