온도가 열대거세미나방 산란에 미치는 영향 및 옥수수 포장에서의 산란 특성 Effect of temperature on oviposition of Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) and ovipositional characteristics in corn fields

문형철, 최민경, 장수지, 이장호, 김주희, 전형권
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/416908
Korean Journal of Environmental Biology (환경생물)
Vol. 40 No. 3 (2022.09)
한국환경생물학회 (Korean Society Of Environmental Biology)

The effect of five different constant temperatures (18, 21, 24, 27, and 30±1°C) and a photoperiod of 14 : 10 (L : D) h on the reproduction parameters of Spodoptera frugiperda was studied. The longevity of adult female S. frugiperda decreased with increasing temperature (22.4 days at 21°C and 13.9 days at 30°C) but not at 18°C. The pre-oviposition period and oviposition period was the shortest at 30°C compared to the other temperatures. The total fecundity egg count was 887.4, 1,246.4, 1,348.9, 1,154.9, and 1,034.2 at 18, 21, 24, 27 and 30°C, respectively, during its life span. The survival rate of female S. frugiperda decreased rapidly after 13 days at 18°C, after 14 days at 21°C, after 15 days at 27°C, and after 9 days at 24°C, and 30°C. On the third day after the start of oviposition, 50% of the total fecundity was accomplished. In corn fields at less than the 10-leaf stage, the distribution of S. frugiperda egg masses was observed in the middle and lower plant regions, corresponding to 46.8% and 41.4% of the total egg masses, respectively. Egg masses were mostly found on the underside of the leaf blade (abaxial) of corn (66.7%). After releasing S. frugiperda adults on May 12, May 17, May 25, and May 30, the number of eggs per egg mass was 89.9, 88.5, 126.6, and 127.9, respectively. Egg masses of the subsequent generations of S. frugiperda were observed from late June, and the number of eggs per egg mass was 155.8 in late June, 270.7 in early July, and 303.5 in mid-July.

서 론
재료 및 방법
    1. 시험곤충 사육
    2. 온도별 성충의 수명, 산란 기간 및 산란 수 조사
    3. 옥수수 포장에서의 산란 부위 조사
    4. 성충 방사 시기 및 후세대 성충 난괴의 알 수 조사
    5. 통계분석
결과 및 고찰
    1. 온도별 성충수명, 산란 기간 및 산란 수
    2. 옥수수에서의 산란 부위
    3. 성충 방사 시기 및 후세대 성충의 난괴당 산란 수
적 요
사 사
  • 문형철(전라북도농업기술원 농업환경과) | Hyung Cheol Moon (Agricultural Environment Division, Jeonbuk Agricultural Research and Extention Services, Iksan 54591, Republic of Korea) Corresponding Author
  • 최민경(전라북도농업기술원 농업환경과) | Min Kyung Choi (Agricultural Environment Division, Jeonbuk Agricultural Research and Extention Services, Iksan 54591, Republic of Korea)
  • 장수지(전라북도농업기술원 농업환경과) | Su Ji Jang (Agricultural Environment Division, Jeonbuk Agricultural Research and Extention Services, Iksan 54591, Republic of Korea)
  • 이장호(전라북도농업기술원 농업환경과) | Jang Ho Lee (Agricultural Environment Division, Jeonbuk Agricultural Research and Extention Services, Iksan 54591, Republic of Korea)
  • 김주희(전라북도농업기술원 농업환경과) | Ju Hee Kim (Agricultural Environment Division, Jeonbuk Agricultural Research and Extention Services, Iksan 54591, Republic of Korea)
  • 전형권(전라북도농업기술원 농업환경과) | Hyong Gwon Chon (Agricultural Environment Division, Jeonbuk Agricultural Research and Extention Services, Iksan 54591, Republic of Korea)