Pheopolykrikos hartmannii (W. Zimmermann) Matsuoka & Fukuyo 휴면포자와 유영세포: 형태적 특징 및 계통 분류, 발아에 미치는 온도 영향 Resting cysts and vegetative cells of Pheopolykrikos hartmannii (W. Zimmermann) Matsuoka & Fukuyo (Dinophyceae): Morphology, phylogeny, and effect of temperature on germination

곽경윤, 윤주연, 김현정, 한경하, Li Zhun, 신현호
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/419449
Korean Journal of Environmental Biology (환경생물)
Vol. 40 No. 4 (2022.12)
한국환경생물학회 (Korean Society Of Environmental Biology)

The germination characteristics of the resting cysts of Pheopolykrikos hartmannii collected from the southern coastal sediments of Korea were studied at different temperature conditions, and the morphology and phylogeny of the germlings were examined. The resting cysts of Ph. hartmannii were round and characterized by a red accumulation body and many arrow-like spines and could germinate at temperature of 10 to 30°C. High germination rates (>90%) were observed at 15 and 20°C, indicating that the resting cysts could act as seed populations for the bloom initiation of Ph. hartmannii in Korean coastal waters in early summer or early fall. The morphology of the germlings was generally consistent with the previous description, and an apical groove characterized by a fully enclosed loop was observed. Phylogenetic analysis based on large SubUnit (LSU) rRNA gene sequences revealed that the germlings shared an identical sequence with the Korean and American isolates of Ph. hartmannii and was a sister clade of Polykrikos species.

서 론
재료 및 방법
    1. 퇴적물 시료 채취와 휴면포자 분리
    2. 휴면포자의 발아 실험
    3. 유영세포의 형태 관찰
    4. Genomic DNA 추출, PCR 증폭 및 염기서열 분석
    5. 계통 분석
결과 및 고찰
    1. Pheopolykrikos hartmannii 휴면포자의형태적 특징
    2. 온도 변화에 따른 Pheopolykrikos hartmannii휴면포자의 발아율
    3. Pheopolykrikos hartmannii 유영세포의형태적 특징과 계통 분류
적 요
사 사
  • 곽경윤(한국해양과학기술원 해 양시료도서관) | Kyeong Yoon Kwak (Library of Marine Samples, Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology)
  • 윤주연(한국해양과학기술원 해 양시료도서관) | Joo Yeon Youn (Library of Marine Samples, Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology)
  • 김현정(한국해양과학기술원 해 양시료도서관) | Hyun Jung Kim (Library of Marine Samples, Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology)
  • 한경하(한국해양과학기술원 해 양시료도서관, 한양대학교 환경과학과) | Kyong Ha Han (Library of Marine Samples, Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology, Department of Environmental Science, Hanyang University)
  • Li Zhun(한국생명공학연구원 생 물자원센터)
  • 신현호(한국해양과학기술원 해 양시료도서관) | Hyeon Ho Shin (Library of Marine Samples, Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology) Corresponding author