미국선녀벌레 천적인 선녀벌레집게벌 대량사육 체계 Mass rearing system for Neodryinus typhlocybae (Hymenoptera: Dryinidae) as a biological control agent of Metcalfa pruinosa

서미자, 김정환, 노현정, 서보윤, 조점래, 박홍현
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/419453
Korean Journal of Environmental Biology (환경생물)
Vol. 40 No. 4 (2022.12)
한국환경생물학회 (Korean Society Of Environmental Biology)

The mass-rearing system for Neodryinus typhlocybae as a biological control agent of Metcalfa pruinosa was established. Depending on the density of host nymphs and plants, the average number of cocoons produced by the parasitoids was 5-8 and 70-150 cocoons per leaf and sapling of mulberry, respectively. There is a significant difference in cocoon length between females (6.10-6.46 mm) and males (4.20-4.62 mm). Sex determination of cocoons before emergence will be helpful for efficiently releasing this parasitoid in fields. The parasitic rate of N. typhlocybae at the semi-field condition was on average 13-17%. The release number of this parasitoid did not affect parasitism. Nevertheless, the population growth rate of M. pruinosa was reduced by increasing the release number of N. typhlocybae. The parasitoid offspring’s sex and bivoltine were influenced by the host age. On young host nymphs, the bivoltine portion of parasitoid increased. When parasitized on 4th or 5th nymphs, the offspring’s female ratio of N. typhlocybae increased. This result may be useful for potentially controlling mass rearing production of parasitoid.

서 론
재료 및 방법
    1. 시험곤충
    2. 선녀벌레집게벌 대량사육 체계
    3. 선녀벌레집게벌 대량사육 체계에 따른고치 수확량 조사
    4. 선녀벌레집게벌 고치상태에서의 암수 구분
    5. 선녀벌레집게벌 방사 마리수에 따른 기생효과 조사
    6. 기주인 미국선녀벌레 약충 영기에 따른선녀벌레집게벌의 성비 및 이화성 비율
    7. 통계분석
결과 및 고찰
    1. 선녀벌레집게벌 대량사육 체계
    2. 선녀벌레집게벌 사육 체계에 따른 시설 내고치 수확량
    3. 선녀벌레집게벌 고치상태에서의 암수 구분
    4. 선녀벌레집게벌 방사 마리수에 따른 기생효과 조사
    5. 기주인 미국선녀벌레 약충 영기가선녀벌레집게벌 성비 및 이화성에 미치는 영향
적 요
사 사
  • 서미자(농촌진흥청 국 립농업과학원 농 산물안전성부 작 물보호과) | Meeja Seo (Crop Protection Division, Dept. of Agro-food Safety and Crop Protection, National Institute of Agricultural Sciences, RDA)
  • 김정환(농촌진흥청 국 립농업과학원 농 산물안전성부 작 물보호과) | Jeong Hwan Kim (Crop Protection Division, Dept. of Agro-food Safety and Crop Protection, National Institute of Agricultural Sciences, RDA)
  • 노현정(농촌진흥청 국 립농업과학원 농 산물안전성부 작 물보호과) | Hyeon Jung Noh (Crop Protection Division, Dept. of Agro-food Safety and Crop Protection, National Institute of Agricultural Sciences, RDA)
  • 서보윤(농촌진흥청 국 립농업과학원 농 산물안전성부 작 물보호과) | Bo Yoon Seo (Crop Protection Division, Dept. of Agro-food Safety and Crop Protection, National Institute of Agricultural Sciences, RDA)
  • 조점래(농촌진흥청 국 립농업과학원 농 산물안전성부 작 물보호과) | Jum Rae Cho (Crop Protection Division, Dept. of Agro-food Safety and Crop Protection, National Institute of Agricultural Sciences, RDA)
  • 박홍현(농촌진흥청 국 립농업과학원 농 산물안전성부 작 물보호과) | Hong Hyun Park (Crop Protection Division, Dept. of Agro-food Safety and Crop Protection, National Institute of Agricultural Sciences, RDA) Corresponding author