점봉산 신갈나무 낙엽의 분해율과 미기상요인과의 상관관계 분석 Correlation between litter decomposition rate of Quercus mongolica leaf and microclimatic factors at Mt. Jeombongsan

원호연, 이영상, 이재석, 이일환
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/419456
Korean Journal of Environmental Biology (환경생물)
Vol. 40 No. 4 (2022.12)
한국환경생물학회 (Korean Society Of Environmental Biology)

To understand functional changes of forest ecosystems due to climate change, correlation between decomposition rate of leaf litter, an important function of forest ecosystems, and microclimatic factors was analyzed. After 48 months elapsed, percent remaining weight of Quercus mongolica leaf litter was 27.1% in the east aspect and 37.0% in the west aspects. Decay constant of Q. mongolica leaf litter was 0.33 in the east aspect and 0.25 in the west aspect after 48 months elapsed. Initial C/N ratio of Q. mongolica leaf litter was 38.5. After 48 months elapsed, C/N ratio of decomposing Q. mongolica leaf litter decreased to 13.43 in the east aspect and 16.72 in the west aspect. Average air temperature and soil temperature during the investigation period of the research site were 8.2±9.0 and 9.1±9.3 in the east and 8.5±7.4 and 9.3±7.3°C in the west aspect, respectively, with the west aspect showing higher air and soil temperatures. Soil moisture showed no significant difference between east and west aspects (average soil moisture: 19.4±11.0% vs. 20.5±5.7%). However, as a result of analyzing the correlation between decomposition rate and microclimatic factors, it was found that the decomposition rate and soil moisture has a positive correlation (r=0.426) in the east aspect but not in the west aspect. Our study shows that the correlation between decomposition rate and microclimatic factors can be significantly different depending on the direction of the aspect.

서 론
재료 및 방법
    1. 조사지 개황
    2. 미기상 자료 수집
    3. 낙엽주머니 제작 및 설치
    4. 낙엽주머니 수거 및 처리
    5. 낙엽의 영양염류 분석
    6. 통계분석
결과 및 고찰
    1. 연구지역의 사면별 미기상 자료 분석
    2. 분해율과 분해상수
    3. 분해과정에 따른 낙엽의 탄소, 질소 함량 및 C/N비의변화
    4. 낙엽분해율과 미기상요인과의 상관관계 분석
적 요
사 사
  • 원호연(국립생태원 기후생태관측팀) | Ho-Yeon Won (Ecological Observation Team on Climate Change, National Institute of Ecology)
  • 이영상(국립생태원 기후생태관측팀) | Young-Sang Lee (Ecological Observation Team on Climate Change, National Institute of Ecology)
  • 이재석(건국대학교 생명과학특성학과) | Jae-Seok Lee (Depatement of Biological Sciences, Konkuk University)
  • 이일환(국립생태원 기후생태관측팀) | Il-Hwan Lee (Ecological Observation Team on Climate Change, National Institute of Ecology) Corresponding author