포인세티아총채벌레 (Echinothrips americanus Morgan)의 온도발육모형 Temperature-dependent developmental model of Echinothrips americanus Morgan (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) on pepper leaf

공민재, 김광호, 김재군, 박홍현, 전성욱
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/419463
Korean Journal of Environmental Biology (환경생물)
Vol. 40 No. 4 (2022.12)
한국환경생물학회 (Korean Society Of Environmental Biology)

The temperature-dependent development of Poinsettia thrips, Echinothrips americanus was studied at eight constant temperatures (15.0, 17.5, 20.0, 22.5, 25.0, 27.5, 30.0, and 32.5±1°C), 65±5% RH and photoperiod of 16L : 8D conditions. The developmental stages were divided into egg, 1st instar, 2nd instar, pre-pupa, pupa, and adult. The total developmental time in the immature stage was 40.4 days at 15.0°C and 11.6 days at 30.0°C, and it decreased with increasing temperature. The lowest temperature of the whole immature period was 10.7°C, and the cumulative temperature to complete the entire immature period was 217.4 degree days. The optimal development temperature (Topt) for the whole immature stage was estimated to be in the range of 30.51-31.21°C. Topt for each immature stage was 31.64-35.47°C at egg, 30.02-33.08°C at 1st instar, 29.16- 34.43°C at 2nd instar, 27.63-29.21°C at pre-pupa, and 29.81-30.12°C at pupa. In the analysis of the six non-linear models, Logan 6 model was the most appropriate as Zi (Weighting Factors) was 0.18.

서 론
재료 및 방법
    1. 공시충 채집 및 사육
    2. 발육 조사
    3. 발육모형
    4. 비선형발육모형의 적합성
    5. 통계 분석
결과 및 고찰
    1. 온도별 발육 특성
    2. 발육모형
    3. 비선형발육모형의 적합성 분석
고 찰
적 요
사 사
  • 공민재(농촌진흥청 국 립농업과학원) | Min-Jae Kong (National Institute of Agricultural Sciences, RDA)
  • 김광호(농촌진흥청 고객지원담당관실) | Kwang-Ho Kim (Customer Support Office, RDA)
  • 김재군(농촌진흥청 국 립농업과학원) | Jae-Kun Kim (National Institute of Agricultural Sciences, RDA)
  • 박홍현(농촌진흥청 국 립농업과학원) | Hong-Hyun Park (National Institute of Agricultural Sciences, RDA)
  • 전성욱(한국폴리텍대학 전 북캠퍼스 농 생명바이오시스템과) | Sung-Wook Jeon (Department of Agriculture & Biosystem, KOPO) Corresponding author