제비 서식지 유형에 따른 잠재적 먹이원 비교 Comparison of potential food resources by barn swallow habitat type

최성훈, 진선덕, 강태한, 김은중, 윤주혁, 오홍식
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/419467
Korean Journal of Environmental Biology (환경생물)
Vol. 40 No. 4 (2022.12)
한국환경생물학회 (Korean Society Of Environmental Biology)

This study analyzed habitat status of barn swallows within 800 m and changes in potential food resource occurrence for 63 nests (Seocheon 23, Sejong 40) where barn swallows breeding was confirmed in Seocheon and Sejong in 2019 and 2020. As a result of checking habitat compositions of barn swallows in the study area, Sejong showed more varieties of habitat types than Seocheon, showing a larger number of dominant groups. Such large number of dominant groups was found to be an advantageous habitat factor for producing flying insects as potential food resources for barn swallows. As for the production of potential food resources, Seocheon had the highest production in dwelling and stream and Sejong had the highest production in the stream. The production of potential food resources differed in production season by habitat type. This study analyzed compositions of the habitat around the breeding site of swallows. It provides basic data necessary for protecting barn swallow habitats by comparing the production timing and production volume of potential food resources occurring in the habitat.

서 론
재료 및 방법
    1. 연구지역
    2. 토지피복비율 산정
    3. 잠재적 먹이원 수집
    4. 잠재적 먹이원 통계분석
결 과
    1. 제비 서식지 유형분석
    2. 서식지 유형에 따른 잠재적 먹이원 출현 현황
    3. 서식지별 잠재적 먹이원 발생량 비교
    4. 서식지별 시기에 따른 잠재적 먹이원 발생량 변화
고 찰
적 요
사 사
  • 최성훈(국립생태원, 제주대학교 과학교육부) | Sung Hoon Choi (1National Institute of Ecology, Faculty of Science Education, Jeju National University)
  • 진선덕(국립생태원) | Seon-Deok Jin (National Institute of Ecology) Corresponding author
  • 강태한(한국환경생태연구소) | Tehan Kang (Korea Institute of Environment Ecology)
  • 김은중(국립중앙과학관) | Eun-Jung Kim (National Science Museum)
  • 윤주혁(국립중앙과학관) | Joohyuk Yoon (National Science Museum)
  • 오홍식(제주대학교 과학교육부) | Hong-Shik Oh (Faculty of Science Education, Jeju National University) Corresponding author