한국산 도롱뇽 3종 거제도롱뇽, 숨은의령도롱뇽, 꼬마도롱뇽의 성별, 시기 그리고 서식지에 따른 크기 다양성 연구 Study on size diversity according to the sex, period, and habitat of three new Korean Hynobius salamanders: Hynobius geojeensis, H. perplicatus, and H. unisacculus

정유정, 장이권, 구교성
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/429116
Korean Journal of Environmental Biology (환경생물)
Vol. 41 No. 4 (2023.12)
한국환경생물학회 (Korean Society Of Environmental Biology)

Amphibians are the world's most threatened group of animals, with approximately 41% facing extinction. Contrary to this global trend, the number of amphibian species in Korea has increased by approximately 53.3% over the past 20 years. In particular, salamanders within the genus Hynobius showed even greater diversity, with the number increasing three-fold from two species to seven. However, morphological and ecological traits required for the clear differentiation of these animals are yet to be determined, leading to much confusion. In this study, we investigated the validity of using size traits for species identification, as this method is currently considered a rule of thumb when differentiating Geoje salamanders (Hynobius geojeensis), cryptic Uiryeong salamanders (H. perplicatus), and Korean small salamanders (H. unisacculus). Our study revealed that sex, study period, and habitat were all factors associated with significant differences in snout-vent length, head width, and body weight. Differences in these size traits were evident both between and within species. Our results show that body size traits applied in the recent classification of the three new salamander species could not be seen as a suitable criterion. Such identification methods based solely on body size not only cause great confusion in the field but will also limit future research on Korean Hynobius salamanders.

1. 서 론
2. 재료 및 방법
    2.1. 연구 대상종 선정
    2.2. 개체 확보를 위한 현장 조사
    2.3. 개체 측정 및 분석
    2.4. 포획 및 연구 허가
3. 결 과
    3.1. 종 간/ 종 내 성별에 따른 크기 차이
    3.2. 채집 시기별 크기 비교
    3.3. 서식지 유형에 따른 크기 차이
4. 고 찰
적 요
CRediT authorship contribution statement
Declaration of Competing Interest
사 사
  • 정유정(이화여자대학교 에코과학연구소) | Yu-Jeong Jeong (Research Institute of EcoScience, Ewha Womans University, Seoul 03760, Republic of Korea)
  • 장이권(이화여자대학교 에코과학부) | Yikweon Jang (Division of EcoScience, Ewha Womans University, Seoul 03760, Republic of Korea)
  • 구교성(이화여자대학교 에코과학연구소) | Kyo Soung Koo (Research Institute of EcoScience, Ewha Womans University, Seoul 03760, Republic of Korea) Corresponding author