한국 서남해안 갈조류 패 (Ishige okamurae Yendo)의 생장과 성숙주기 Growth and maturation period of a brown alga, Ishige okamurae Yendo, in a habitat of southwestern coast of Korea

임혁, 황은경, 박찬선
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/438760
Korean Journal of Environmental Biology (환경생물)
Vol.42 No.4 (2024.12)
한국환경생물학회 (Korean Society Of Environmental Biology)

Ecological characteristics of the brown alga Ishige okamurae Yendo in its natural habitat at Janggam, Shinan on the southwestern coast of Korea were investigated from March 2023 to February 2024. The population of I. okamurae formed extensive patches along the shoreline. Environmental factors such as seawater temperature, pH, salinity, and dissolved oxygen were monitored during this study. Growth and maturation of the I. okamurae population were assessed using both qualitative and quantitative methods. This alga showed a peak growth in October when the seawater temperature was 19.9°C. It had a mean length of 7.6±1.4 cm, a mean density of 4,466.6±288.9 ind. m-2, and a mean biomass of 663.9±85.3 fresh-wt. m-2. The effective cumulative temperature required for the alga’s maturation was estimated based on growth data with a biological zero temperature of 9.2°C. Sporangia were observed from June to November when seawater temperatures ranged from 20.5°C to 14.0°C. Unilocular sporangia first appeared in June, followed by simultaneous appearance of unilocular sporangia and plurilocular sporangia from July to September. From October to November, only unilocular sporangia were observed. Thallus development began at temperatures above 9.2°C. Maturation required approximately 577 degree-days for unilocular sporangia and 801 degree-days for plurilocular sporangia.

1. 서 론
2. 재료 및 방법
    2.1. 분포 및 환경조사
    2.2. 개체군 생태조사
    2.3. 형태 형질 측정
    2.4. 성숙유효적산온도 추정
    2.5. 통계처리
3. 결과 및 고찰
    3.1. 생태 및 환경적 특성
    3.2. 생장 및 성숙 특성
    3.3. 성숙유효적산온도
적 요
CRediT authorship contribution statement
Declaration of Competing Interest
사 사
  • 임혁(국립목포대학교 해양수산자원학과) | Hyuk Lim (Department of Marine and Fisheries Resources, Mokpo National University, Muan 58554, Republic of Korea)
  • 황은경(국립수산과학원 해조류연구소) | Eun Kyoung Hwang (Seaweed Research Institute, National Institute of Fisheries Science, Haenam 59002, Republic of Korea) Corresponding author
  • 박찬선(국립목포대학교 해양수산자원학과) | Chan Sun Park (Department of Marine and Fisheries Resources, Mokpo National University, Muan 58554, Republic of Korea) Corresponding author