Soybean (Glycine max L.) is one of the most important food crops in Korea and a crucial source of protein. However, soybean production is significantly impacted by various plant pathogens, including insect pests, plant-parasitic fungi, bacteria, and nematodes. The soybean cyst nematode (SCN), Heterodera glycines, is a major plant-parasitic nematode that causes an estimated annual loss of US$29 million in Korean soybean industry. Cultivating SCN-resistant soybean cultivars is considered the most effective method for managing this nematode. To identify such cultivars, we conducted resistance screening tests for 32 soybean cultivars. No resistant cultivar was found. Daewang cultivar exhibited moderate resistance to SCN, while the other 31 were susceptible. These findings suggest that Daewang is currently the best choice for fields infested with SCN. There is a critical need for developing SCN-resistant soybean cultivars in Korea.