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물고기형 수중로봇의 유영메커니즘 및 알고리즘 개발(1) KCI 등재

Development of swimming mechanism and algorithm for fish-type underwater robot(1)

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/1040
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로봇학회논문지 (The Journal of Korea Robotics Society)
한국로봇학회 (Korea Robotics Society)

Generally, underwater vehicle type of propeller shows low efficiency about 50% - 55%. However, the efficiency of swimming mechanism of a fish is 60% -70%, more efficient about 20% than screw propellers. Recently, research of underwater vehicle type of fish increase due to its good efficiency and is regarded as a typical bio-mimical robot. In this research, a new algorithm and mechanism that show low energy consumption imitating swimming mechanism of fish proposed increasing speed and running time in field trial.

  • 류영선 | Young-sun Ryuh